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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 digest #5: Ron Paul

Ron Paul - At Very Least, the Most Appealing Republican for President anti-war, anti-censorship, pro-private enterprise in space ... this candidate deserves serious consideration...


  1. Although an admitted long-shot Ron Paul can win the election. Unity is the key. We must not allow corporate and elite plants among us to derail this grassroots effort. A divided people will certainly ensure our continued course of rendering our Constitution as a worthless piece of paper. To be Americans we must act like Americans. We must put away our petty differences and look at the issues that effect each and every one of us as a whole. Ron Paul addresses the issues that are near and dear to us with sound principles steeped in Constitutional Law. He has taken a stance in Congress on more issues than probably all the other candidates combined. Endorsing and voting Ron Paul will most likely be the most important patriotic thing any one citizen can ever do for this country. Great presidents are far and few between and at age 46 I'd love to see one in my lifetime.
