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Monday, April 23, 2007

24 Season 6: Hr 19: The Heads of CTU

I gotta talk about Buchanan first. CTU has had some vivid leaders in the days we've seen - all across the spectrum of good and evil, competent and not. Nina was of course in class by herself that first year. Her incredible treachery set the tone of the series. Then George Mason, who seemed a bit of weakling at first, heroically went down on the plane after being exposed to a fatal dose of radiation in the second season. And Jack had to kill Ryan Chappelle - irritating but by no means ineffective - in what remains one of the powerful sequences in the entire run of the series, in the third season.

Buchanan, played superbly by James Morrison, brought a strength and confidence and fundamental honesty and decency to the job that none of the other CTU heads had. When Buchanan was in the room, when he spoke, you knew that there was definitely still some hope.

So I hated to see him go tonight. Fortunately, he's alive. And I couldn't quite believe that Karen would resolve the situation by firing her husband - I would've liked to see her stand up to Hawk and his federal attorney blackmail. But we may yet see Buchanan return. If not this day, definitely in another.

Meanwhile, Jack saved Audrey, and it's a good thing for us that Doyle intervened, because that saved Jack.

But Audrey's not herself. The Chinese got to her, messed with her mind. Was anyone else thinking Manchurian candidate?

And I'm telling ya, I don't trust Lisa Miller. There's something going on in her head - and I'm still thinking she's in league with the people who tried to blow up Wayne Palmer ... a group that may or may not include Jack's father.

Should be a great four remaining episodes.

Useful links:

The Manchurian Candidate: 2004 movie and 1962 movie

listen to free 3-minute podcast of this review at Levinson news clips - or call it at 415 223 4124


  1. Hey! Great review, and I like the assessment of CTU's heads. I agree with you on Bill Buchanan. I've always liked the guy. When Nadia said he had always been ethical, that there was no way she'd understand why he was going away, I thought, Here is is guy who has earned his reputation. Good on Bill. And I hope his reputation is restored.

    -- My review is coming shortly. :D

  2. carina - great to have you back!

    Looking forward to your review.

  3. hey. i just thought i'd post this here since i read your line about you not liking/trusting Lisa. i totally agree and i think most others do as well. this also rubs me the wrong way.

    im not sure if anyone caught this at all, but i thought i would post it just in case someone out there noticed. if any of you watched the preview of next week's episode, the end of that was like a count down advertising the last 4 episodes/season finale. if you noticed towards the very end, it showed Lisa kissing someone. it only shows the clip for a split second, but even at that speed it was blatantly obvious that it wasnt president daniels. i rewinded the scene on my tivo and tried my best to pause it in a spot where i could get a good look at the guy's face. i did a good job and had a clear shot at his face, and to my surprise it wasnt anyone i recognized. (i am a diehard 24 fan and i have watched every episode to date so i trust myself to recognize any face that was on 24.) it KIND of looks like doyle, but 1) it only resembles him, so u can tell it's not him if u paused it and 2) he is in LA and it would be far fetched to believe that he took a plane up to washington in the last 4 hours of the show. if any of you have this episode recorded on tivo and have that preview on the end, check it out. it'll take u a few tries to pause it in the best spot, but once u get it, you will notice that it's noone that any of us have ever seen on the show befor. i find this very interesting and i thought i'd bring it up and see if anyone else noticed this as well.

    there is a slight possibility that it is the guy that was working with reed's assistant (forget his name) who made that tape recorder bomb and was the one who was in that room holding reed capture. i say this because i cant remember that guy's face so i'm gonna go watch that episode on tivo to find out.

  4. Good thoughts, Joey H!

    Would be very interesting if the guy she's kissing is from CTU ... say, Milo...

    Next week should give us some answers...
