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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Heroes Landslide: Winnowing and Convergence

What a perfect, next-to-final episode tonight! Heroes just gets better and better.

Loose ends continue to come together. Sylar is armed and ready to blow up the city. Hiro is armed and ready to stop it if he can - his father (it was good to see George Takei aka Mr. Sulu again) has trained him. But he also must get to Ando along the way, who has gone off in pursuit of Sylar on his own - in pursuit of his death, according to the future we've seen.

Hiro is as ever a well-spring of time-travelling optimism. He tries to convince Nathan to help him, so he doesn't become the "bad person" Hiro has seen in the future - a "villain" - and when Nathan refuses, Hiro concludes that Nathan is a villain, already. But that doesn't stop Hiro.

Nathan may not totally be a villain, as yet. He's elected to Congress. He knows Linderman had something to do with it. He doesn't know Micah's way with machines was able to register enough votes on the computers to give Nathan a landslide. (Yet another argument, if we want to apply Heroes to real life, not to be so quick to rely totally on computers in counting election returns - they're a lot easier to manipulate than paper ballots, even if you don't have Micah's powers....)

But back in the New York City of Heroes and television-land, there's a lot more going on than a hero-fixed election. Some of the movers and shakers were killed tonight - not just Ted by Sylar, but Linderman and D. L. Hawkins, who kill each other, and Thompson (fine performance by the always memorable Eric Roberts) by Mr. Bennett, who now has a gun trained on Molly. Bennett will do anything to protect Claire, but will he kill a little girl just to stop her tracking powers? Not if Mohinder has anything to do with it - but I don't think Mr. Bennett will pull that trigger anyway....

But tonight's killings and plot lines and remaining characters have all converged for the finale next week. The winnowing has made it simpler, clearer, more searing, more powerful.

If the finale continues on this course, Heroes could wind up in our future not only the best new show on network television this season, but the best show on network television this year, period.


  1. I'm pretty sure that Bennet can't pull the trigger on Molly... But if you look at the preview of next week's episode, it looks like Parkman gets seriously injured, so something goes down between Mohinder and Bennet.

    Are you as curious as I am about Candice's real appearance. She has a lot of body issues for somebody as pretty as she is.

    Thompson's dead, Linderman's dead... I think that hampers Primatech Paper a lot. I guess it's up to Mrs. Petrelli and Nakamura-san to shape the world. I wonder when we are going to see their powers, that should be very interesting.

    Whatever happened to Hana whatsherface, a.k.a. Wireless? Oh well, she'll show up sooner or later.

    Anyway, very excited to see the season finale, I just hope it lives up to expectations.

  2. I honestly don't think DL was dead at the end of this episode. Gravely wounded, yes, but not dead. (After all, he mustered enough energy after being shot to take Linderman out.)

    In response to Ross' question, it looks as though Hana is going to die off-screen -- check out the latest Heroes graphic novel installment over on

  3. Good analyses, folks...

    On DL: yeah, it's true, we didn't actually see him get blown apart, or shot right in the head, or have his head sawed off by Sylar...

    Is it only me, is there a real run on ambiguous deaths this season?

    [Spoilers below for BSG and Lost]

    We have Starbuck in BSG, Locke in Lost, and now DJ ... will be interesting to see how many of these survive (may be all)...

    I really like DJ, and would hate to see him go...

  4. :) I somehow converted DL to DJ ... maybe he was a DJ at some point...

  5. Hana just served as a mouthpiece for the writers of the Heroes 360 experience, the ARG. They introduced her through the graphic novels, had her walk on screen as a nod to everyone playing along (seriously, look at that as a leg in the game really), and then let the players interact with her as she mentions other characters on the show.

    Fun filler, but nothing really influential to the plot.

  6. warplayer: thanks for the info

    everyone about DL: someone made the point over on my blog that DL was holding Linderman, who had the power of healing, so that could indeed keep DL in the picture (which I hope is the case - he's a good character)
