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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Memo to MSNBC: Next Time, Tell Us Who Hands Were Raised

Here's an assessment of the first two debates that everyone - except possibly MSNBC, which broadcast the debates - can or should agree with:

Next time, please let the American people know which candidates are raising their hands, when they are asked a question that requires them to raise their hands in response.

The Democrats were asked who has a gun in their home. All but three raised their hands. The camera didn't stay on the candidates long enough for us to conclusively see who was and was not raising their hands. Later, after the debates, we learned the three candidates without guns in their homes were Edwards, Clinton, and Obama.

Ten days later, the Republicans were asked who doesn't believe in evolution. Again, three candidates raised their hands. But, again, the camera didn't stay on the candidates long enough for us to see who they were. And later, after the debate, we learned that the three candidates who do not believe in evolution were Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo.

What was MNSBC thinking? Why did neither Brian Williams at the Democratic debate nor Chris Matthews at the Republican debate tell us whose hands were up or down? What is the point of asking a question that requires a show of hands, and then not showing or telling the American people whose hands were up or down?

Camera-work and direction could have easily taken care of this - just pan slowly on the candidates, one by one, so we can see whose hand is raised. But, failing that, Brian and Chris - speak up! Let us know the answers to the question you just asked.

These are important issues - especially belief in evolution. The American people deserve better than having to wait until after the debate has concluded to find out where their candidates stand.

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1 comment:

  1. It’s all about the politics and mass media. They are lying you every time you watch TV. The reason is – they don’t want you to know the true.
