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Friday, June 22, 2007

Welcome readers...

A welcome to all of my readers, and to anyone who clicked on a link that said etc but brought you here, to ...

From now on - actually, as of yesterday - all of my writings about politics, television, and whatever made you jump for joy or shake your fists in fury over at will be here.

I'm in the process of bringing them all over to - for example, I brought my infamous "How I Went Face-to-Screen with Jack Thompson" over here yesterday - and this process may take a few weeks. The best way to find a post that you may be looking for is to check the Labels section, in the right-hand column, under the logo. You'll see the entry on Jack Thompsom, for example, there right now.

For those of you may have put links to specific posts of mine on - if you don't see the post already here, just let me know (either in a comment to this post, or by e-mail to me), and I'll put that post up here right away, and send you the URL.

For those of you new to - it's been primarily about television, with reviews of shows often minutes after they've aired, with the occasional political piece, usually about a televised Presidential debate. This will continue, with a bit more politics, as per what I was doing on But the truth is my primary perspective on politics is as a media theorist, anyway, so television usually plays a role about I have to say about this or that candidate or issue.

For those of you who are already readers of - thank you! - you'll find a little more political content here, including First Amendment and FCC issues. But those will usually be about television, too.

Many of the links you saw on - my books, my podcasts - are already here.

Great to have all of you here!


  1. Paul, the Pop Culture Supreme Court is deciding a case about radio standards and I was wondering if you could put some of your Imus material up here at IR?

  2. Didn't know about your other site but I find all you write fascinating. i hope you have a great weekend, My sons championship game is keyspan park tomorrow morning so wish us luck.

  3. Will do, Matt - look for it in about 15 minutes (and I'll come back here with the URL) ...

    Thanks, Dawn - I'm definitely rooting for your son! (and see my comment to you in The Sopranos and Hamlet) ... have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Here are the links, Matt -

    I may also have a third post, written a little after the above two - I'll put that up later, if I'm remembering correctly...

    Best of luck with the PC Supremes...

  5. And here are two more ...


  6. Paul,

    I must first preface this comment by mentioning that I have been following your progress and reviewing your life for the last year or so. I've been studying your works quite closely.

    The question I would like to pose is whether or not you actually exist or if, in fact, you are a conspiracy of surrealist artists (or poetic absurdists) of some sort?

    Do you envision your words and songs as being creatively beneficial to the art community? Do the members of your past band(s) exist as actual contributing members? Why does conservative America find merit in your opinions? Okay, that last one was a joke: they find merit in things Dubya says.

    I guess, really.. I'm asking.. Are you real, or are you an elaborate, human-like joke?

    Paul, I'm completely serious. I've rarely been as serious as I am now.
