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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fire Ants...

They seem like something out of a horror movie - and, in a sense, they are ... They look like the kind of ants you find in your garden, on a picnic table, in your house ...

But these things sting, causing fiery blisters, which can get easily infected.

The fireant entered the southeastern part of the United States after World War II. They're now in residence in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia - and they're starting to show up in California.

Whether you live in one of those states or a nearby area, or are a science fiction writer on the lookout for a horror story that's quickly coming true, you'll find lots of useful information on - how to control them, recognize their mounds, be ready for them. In this case, as in so much else, knowledge is power.

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  1. Being from NY i didn't know what fireants were until I stepped out of a car (I was about 14 years old) on a swell (a florida term for parking on the grass in front of sidewalk)and ontop of an anthill. Yes they are very painful and the only thing I find that helps is keeping your leg in a pool that has chlorine. It soothes and dries them out.

  2. Yeah, the chlorine in the swimming pool can be soothing.

    So far, I've never been stung by a fire ant ... but being bitten by a green fly is pretty bad... (they love the Cape in June ... we escaped them this year, because the weather was a little cooler than usual)...

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  4. You are lucky they kind of look like chicken pox. They itch and hurt. Never been bitten by a green fly but I remember as a kid my mother warning us about horseflys but then again she used to tell us if a bat flew into our heads we would have to get all our hair shaved off.(used to spend the summers in Mt Freedom NJ). So you know I have an unnatural fear of bats.
