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Friday, August 17, 2007

Big Love 2 Episode 10: Polygamy as the Ultimate Cool Bad

Every episode of Big Love has at least one scene or series of scenes that are perfect, and here's what I liked best in this Monday's show:

Bill's playing poker with some of his partners in the new gambling endeavor. They've heard about the straight-arrow Mormon lifestyle, they're not particularly comfortable doing business with a straight-arrow, so they want to find out more about what Bill is about.

Do you smoke?


Do you drink?


Initially, Bill tells these guys that they don't really know what his lifestyle is really like .... but they're not too impressed, and, in fact, are a little worried ... until-

Bill finally does the right thing, and introduces both Barb and Margene as his wives. How many more do you have at home? One more, Bill replies.

And at that moment, Bill out-cooled all those characters at the table.

Not to mention that he brought smiles to Margene's and even Barb's face.

So, it was a good night for Bill.

But Barb still has lots of misgivings, and things are just starting to come to a boil with Alby...

See also reviews of other episodes: Big Love Resumes ... 2: Oh, Happy Day, and Not ... 3: Sons and Mothers ... 4. Help Me, Rhonda ... 5. The Waitress and More... 6. Just Lust ... 7. Margene's Mama ... 8. Polygamy and Misgivings ... 9. Swing Vote Margene ... 11. Family in Crisis ... 12. Polygamy and Great Performances Confirmed

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. Actually Barb was NOT at all happy with Bill's introduction. She looked as if she was ready to cry or just crumble into a heap on the floor. She told margie later in the room that she thought it was sabotage.

    IMO Barb loves Bill and even her sister-wives and all the kids but she is deeply ashamed of living "the Principal" it's ingrained in her to feel ashamed of it and she does not want people to know that she made what amounts to in her mind a "poor choice that was pressured on to her"

    Sorry paul! Just the way I see it! You should check out some of the other opinions on this on the HBO site! We enjoy your posting links to your blog but we'd really like it if you posted on some of the threads too. We can always use another opinion!


  2. Hmm... I'm sure I saw Barb smile a bit at the introduction ... and not in a way that seemed she was putting it on ... but I'll look at the show again On Demand ...

    I'll try to post on some of the threads - but I'm reviewing so many shows - not to mention all the other writing I'm doing - that I'm lucky I have time to write the reviews... :)

  3. Barb hated the introduction of Margene as Bill's other wife. Remember the whole subsequent scene where Barb is looking stunned saying "everythings just going so fast" and Margene tells her she wants to be Bills wife for Weber, and Barb can have Home Plus. That was all based on Barb just not really being comfortable in casinoa or with Weber gaming for that matter.
