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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

GPS To The Rescue

I like driving to places and appointments and events and arriving just a minute or two before they begin. I even like going to the Post Office this way - driving right up, parking, and getting in to mail my stuff just before the place closes up for the day, just under the deadline.

This adds a certain zest to the process.

I even like doing this when I'm driving long distance. A few years ago, I had a book signing near Harrisburg, PA. I drove three hours to arrive about three minutes before the event. This was a little close, even for me. I might have arrived sooner - but it was the first time I had driven to that bookstore, and I wasn't 100% sure exactly where it was.

This is why a GPS can be a lifesaver - or, at least, an event or appointment saver. My Prius came with one. I would definitely get one now if I didn't have one - a Garmin, a Magellan, or a TomTom. is a good place to get a GPS online. Hey, even if you don't cut things as close as I do, it's a good thing to have in your car, on your side.

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