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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Heroes is Back

Well, I enjoyed the first Season Two episode of Heroes on NBC tonight - but I was so taken by the next show, Journeyman, that I had to write a review of that first.

What the two series have in common is time travel, and there was a good segment of that in Hiro's story on Heroes tonight. He's back in 16th-century Japan, where he meets his hero, Takezo Kensei, played by Alias' Sark aka David Anders. The flavor reminded me of the campy classic Trancers - which is high praise in my book.

Claire and Mr. Bennet also have some good scenes. That whole thread is understandably a little subtler than last year. Parkman's an NYPD detective - just got his gold badge - taking care of Molly, and that was good to see, too.

New business is introduced with two heroes in the Dominican Republic. Twins Maya (Dania Ramirez) and Alejandro Herrera (Shalim Ortiz) have deadly powers - at least, Maya does, she used them to kill her captors, but it's a good bet her brother has those powers, or something like them, too.

And speaking of deadly powers, some number of the heroes are falling prey to a mysterious plague, which Suresh is seeking the cure for. Possibly Peter is suffering from it - he's indeed alive, as we see at the end of the episode, and which was revealed in umpteen spoilers last June.

So the stage is pretty well set. I wish NBC had sprung for a two-hour premier...

3 minute podcast of this review

Review of Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2: Time Travel, Paradox, and Heroes

Review of other Season 2 Heroes: Episode 2 ... 3
... 4 ... 7 ... 9. How Immutable Are Fate and Isaac's Paintings? ... 10. Penultimate for the Fall ... 11. My Predictions Last Week Were Right!

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. I enjoyed the new Heroes ep as well. I kind of got the impression that between the two new latin heroes, that something bad would happen if they got separated. I can't quite remember what they said when he was getting dumped and left behind, but it was to the effect of the bad guys not understanding what would happen if they did. I think. I didn't tape it so I can't be sure. Anyway, perhaps whatever she has that kills people, he is sort of the antidote to her, as long as they are together.

    Or not, of course, if I heard them wrong. :-)

  2. The first chaper of Heroes Season 2 was nothing less than a surprise~ Needless to say it give us clear ideas of what happened to older heroes after the finale last year, The Petrillie brothers are both alive,so is matt Parkman after being shot by his own bullets from the last season's final, only that most of them are having a much more miserable life from the previous seasons. Mr. bennet and his family started a new life after the explosion of peter. Bennet is working for "copy kingdom" in the day, while he is secretly keeping contacts with Dr. Suresh for their plan of destorying some companies that tries to ruin heroes lives.

    Some new heroes were introduced, two latin twins discovered themselve having mass killing power, although there were no scense showing how they did it, but i bet its is to do with messiing up with one of thier organs, as we can see blood pouring off the dead's eyes and nose.

  3. I was surprised to see them reusing the same rooftop set. After seeing it in almost every episode in the first season I got kind of sick of it.

  4. Are we sure that it was Peter we saw at the end? I'm thinking it was more likely Syler who was pretending to be Peter.

  5. Hadn't thought of that, Chris - good point. Sylar's shape shifting means that he of course could be any character ... (And we do think Peter's dead)...

    But I'd still bet that was Peter...

  6. nobody has mentioned the kid claire met who can fly like her uncle, i wonder what significance this new character will have in the role he'll be playing in season 2?
