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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Vanessa Hudgens Owes No Apologies

I was happy to see in the Reuters article published today that I'm not the only media observer who thinks that Vanessa Hudgens owes no one any apology for the nude photographs of her that came light last Wednesday. "We as a society are finally growing up and it's a healthy thing," I'm correctly quoted as saying. Then, "I predict in the next few years, the FCC will be put in its proper place and nudity will be the norm".

Robert Thompson, Professor of Media and Popular Culture at Syracuse University who is quoted in the media even more frequently than I am, put it this way: "While filling in a survey, people will always check off with one hand that there's too much sex and violence in the media, while using the other hand to search for that kind of material."

I don't know if everyone would check off that box - certainly I would not - but Thompson's completely right about the hypocrisy.

It's too bad if anyone is embarrassed by the human body. That's life. That's who and what we are. Don't look at it if it makes you uncomfortable. If you're a parent and you don't want your kids looking at it, don't call the FCC or lash out at the television station or actress or actor - exercise a little parental control.


  1. I spent half a year in Denmark when I was 17 as a foreign exchange student. Most students in my class were 15 and 16. I vividly remember the first day of English class opening the book and seeing the Chapter One divider - A completely naked woman sitting with her legs crossed on a beach. Absolutely everything was completely visible.
    I could feel my face flush as I waited for someone - anyone - to either laugh or comment... to my surprise, nobody in the entire class of 15 and 16 year old students even reacted. They all turned the page and began the first lesson. It could have just as well been a beach scene with no naked woman. The reaction would have been identical.

  2. I read that article this morning. Well put. I agree that it's high time we, as a society, get over hypocritical (puritanical...) hang-ups about sex and nudity.

    Although whether I think that will actually happen in the near future is another story.

  3. I moved from North America to what is considered to be a conservative European country.

    Adult European tourists can occasionally be observed in a state of undress when changing on the beach. Nudity is illegal, but 'changing' is acceptable. This makes sense to me, but my 'inner 17 year old' does get very amused sometimes.

  4. Thanks for the comments, everyone.

    Andy - I'm an eternal optimist...
