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Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize: No US Supreme Court Could Stop It

The news just went up on the - Al Gore (along with the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) has won the Nobel Peace Prize!

No neo-con US Supreme Court was able to get in the way of this.

Whatever the specifics of global warming, Al Gore deserves enormous credit for coaxing the world to think of itself in global terms. He was able to do this, after going through the extraordinary ordeal of winning the popular vote for US President in 2000, and not becoming President.

It is rare that history provides an opportunity to remedy such an error.

I hope Al Gore gives the American people a chance to correct it.

See also Gore's Nomination for Nobe Prize Poetic Justice


  1. Al was my choice for President and he deserves this. His film was remarkable. It also scared the crap out of me and others. Hey friend I did not see a new Dexter post for this week, Lost will be back soon and you must get in shape. Have a great weekend!

  2. Could someone tell me how this presentation and award are politicized against Pres. Bush? The Pundits are screaming and this isn't even politically motivated. It's about a man who went around the world to get anyone and everyone to listen to a presentation based on scientific fact and theory on a topic the man truly believes in. I just don't get where this vitriol against this man comes from. For Rush to come out and say that this prize is now a joke is beyond ignorant.

  3. dawn... :) I'm working on it...

    john b: Rush is a one-dimensional ideologue who sees everything through a prism in which Gore is a bad guy, whatever he does...

    And why is Gore a bad guy? Because he was a victim, in part, of one of the most disgraceful events in American history - the Supreme Court's stopping the Florida recount. And this is something Rush and his ilk don't like dealing with.

    Rush et al would have liked Al Gore to be long gone from the public eye by now. But he's not, and winning the Nobel Prize rubs salt in their wounds.

    Which I'm very happy about.

  4. I'm sorry, but Al Gore did nothing to deserve a Peace prize. His movie was lacking in science and chock full of propaganda

    It is great that he cares, but his selection for this award was political, and not deserved.

    Meanwhile, a top meteorologist and a British court have spoken out against An Inconvenient Truth this week.

  5. Thanks for the comment, anon. But if you're sorry about anything, it should be about the holes in the logic you are applying to this situation.

    Even if An Inconvenient Truth has some inaccuracies - and why should I accept what "a top meteorologist" says, in contrast to other top scientists? - but even if there are inaccuracies in the movie, does that mean that Al Gore did "nothing" to deserve the Nobel Prize?

    How about calling the world's attention, not even just to this particular problem, but to the need to look at the future of our planet, to start focusing on global, planetary perspectives?

    That, in your book, is "nothing"?

    What's your real grievance against Al Gore? Since you don't offer your name, I have no idea who you are. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if you are a neo-con Republican, embarrassed by what your Supreme Court did to Al Gore and the American people in 2000. You'd like Al Gore to go away. His important work, and the world's recognition of it, insures that he won't. Get used to it.
