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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Continuing Journeyman: 3

I think what I liked best about Episode 3 of Journeyman on NBC last night was the conversation between Dan and Hugh Skillen (played by Brian Howe, whom we saw as the medical examiner in Deja Vu) at the end. Dan, unable to save Skillen's sister from the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco, did pick up from her that Hugh was called "the Hulk". Dan mentions the name to Hugh, who wonders how Dan, in 2007, could have known that Hugh was once called that...

In other words, Hugh Skillen, like Dan's wife (but not yet his brother), is slowly being drawn into Dan's time-traveling reality. A seed has been planted, which may eventually allow Dan to call upon Hugh for help. Perhaps Hugh is even at the first stage of being recruited into this time-traveling, or whatever the process that calls upon Dan to perform his services.

Livia is course much further along in this than Dan, but we still don't know what it is that is driving both Livia and Dan, in their separate yet intertwining ways.

That's ok. Journeyman needs time to breathe, to develop and make clear the depth of its complex stories. Another nice touch in last night's story was Al Pratt (John Billingsley) having an impact in the present after Dan saves him in the past.

All of this is good time-travel story-telling - a rarity in movies, novels, and television.

The show isn't doing too well in the ratings - not surprising. Other than the time travel, Journeyman appeals to a very audience than does Heroes, which Journeyman follows.

I hope NBC gives Journeyman time to find its own audience.

Reviews of other Journeyman episodes: 1 ... 2 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9. Dan Unravels His Present ... 10. Jack's In! ... 11. Livia's Beau//Save the Newspaper, Save the World ... 12. The Perfect Time Travel Story ... Lucky 13

8-minute podcast analysis of Journeyman

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book

1 comment:

  1. Journeyman's ratings aren't that bad when put into perspective:

    Journeyman yesterday: 4.5/7
    30 Rock last Thursday: 4.8/7
    The Office Last Thursday 5.0/8
    The Biggest Loser Last Wed 4.6/7

    And the Heroes lead-in is losing ratings potency as well, as it managed just a 6.4/9 last night.
