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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Evolution of Science Fiction ... my 6-minute tour...

My infamous 6-minute tour on the history and evolution of science ... from The History Channel's 2002 Time Machine series...

From Mary Shelley through H. G. Wells, George Melies, Hugo Gernsback, Ray Bradbury, William Gibson ... I comment on all of them and more ... scientific romances, bug-eyed monsters, cyberpunk, and bio-tech science fiction ... with some really cool pictures as accompaniment...


  1. Hey Paul,
    I've never asked you but have wanted to how did you do your research for The Silk Code. Did you live with the Amish? I meant to tell you how detailed the book was and ask if any of the amish cures (nonallergic) were real or just made up by you? So lets have it

  2. :) Tina and I went with the kids to Lancaster, PA (Amish country) for a weekend, for three or four summers ... that's how I did my "research" :) (And a little bit of reading a few good books about the Amish)...

    The cures, alas, are 100% made-up by me ... I always write my science fiction close to the vest of reality ...

    But, it is true that the Amish are a lot more sophisticated than most people think ... so, you never know...

    Hey, I'm glad you read the novel!
