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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For the Very First Time: Reading from the Plot To Save Socrates Sequel, in Second Life!

You don't want to miss this.

For the very first time, anywhere, I'll be reading from Unburning Alexandria - the sequel to The Plot to Save Socrates - Second Life, this Sunday, at 3pm Eastern (12 Noon Second Life and Pacific Time).

Here are the details:

You do need a Second Life account to attend. You can get one, free of charge, at

You can "teleport" to the site of the event - even before the event -  via this link

My Second Life name, again, is PaulLevinson Freenote. Make sure you wave at me, or say hello.


Thanks to everyone who came to my reading this past Sunday. All told, we had more than 50 people (avatars) in attendance. If you missed it, or would like to see yourself on television, there's a good link at

Another place you might want to visit in Second Life is my Soft Edge book shop - just down the street from Sunday's reading - and pictured below. Click on the picture to "teleport" to my bookshop...


Read the first chapter of The Plot to Save Socrates
.... FREE!

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