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Friday, March 21, 2008

Memo to Networks: Show a Little Decency in Your Reporting of Hillary's Days as First Lady

Amidst all the political excitement in the past few days - further reaction to Obama's important speech about racism in America, McCain's gaffe's about al-Qaeda in Iran, people in the State Department illegally looking at the passports of leading Presidential candidates - I wanted to briefly note, and decry, the shabby way the three 24/7 cable news operations reported Hillary Clinton's release of details of her daily activity as First Lady.

CNN, MSNBC, and Fox all couldn't help mentioning what Hillary reported she was doing when Bill was with Monica in the White House.

What interest, other than cheap and prurient, does reporting on that serve?

Telling Americans that Hillary did more or less about this and that in her years as First Lady makes perfect sense. Reporting that many of her notes of meetings were vague or general is fine and fair game.

But reporting on what a wife was doing when her husband's philandering is not - even if the wife happens to be a First Lady who is now running for President.

Memo to news networks: grow up.

I'm an Obama supporter, but I don't like to see any reporting that distracts from the important issues in this campaign, and seeks to embarrass a candidate for no good reason.


  1. It trash to talk about Monica Lewinsky, however I am disagreeing with you on this one. If it was in Barack's past you can bet your life that she would exploit it. She already is shamelessly exploiting his race after Bill successfully lost the black vote in South Carolina.

    Also, Hillary has made it a key point in her charges of experience that her white house days are relevant. So far scant evidence has proven her claims to be factual. So while she stands on her platform and demands that her time in the white house is relevant, you got to take the good with the bad. And Lewinsky like it or not, is part of their past.

    I would hate to be Bill Clinton after she finally concedes this bid for the white house. He has screwed her up so many times on this trail. She has her own blunders and mistakes too, but boy he is going to get it when this thing comes down for her. Lewinsky still being talked about, his racial remarks that cost her the black vote, his charges about Texas and then she lost Texas in the most important part of it being the delegates, It's going to be a bad day in the Clinton house hold when this is over.

  2. Well, I agree with your last point, completely...

    But ... just because the Clinton campaign would likely use anything against Obama, does not excuse the media taking advantage of Hillary in this situation.

    I'm a passionate supporter of the First Amendment, and the government keeping its hands off of media. But that at least implies that the media have a responsibility to cover campaigns as objectively as possible. What conceivable relevance does what Hillary was doing when Bill was with Monica have to this campaign?
