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Friday, March 7, 2008

Proposal to Mayor Bloomberg: Save the Democratic National Committee, Pay for New Michigan and Florida Primaries

The Democratic National Committee has really made a mess of things. Its response to Michigan and Florida moving their primaries up to dates that threatened a stampede of states all moving their primaries to earlier and earlier dates - a real concern - was to punish the people of Michigan and Florida, the Democratic Party, and indeed the democratic process itself by refusing to count the results of those primaries. The DNC announced the punishment, the candidates didn't campaign in Florida, Barack Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan, and the results of those primaries became indeed invalid.

I said back in January, before the Michigan primary, that the DNC's response was stupid, and, now, with the nomination still hotly contested, what the DNC did looks outrightly crazy. Fortunately, both the DNC and the two states are saying they would like to do the primaries over - acceptable under DNC rules - but now there's another problem:

Money. Neither the DNC nor Michigan and Florida want to bear the cost of new primaries - which apparently would come to $30 million.

So, the good idea of fixing this mess with new primaries may founder for a lack of money - or, a willingness to spend it for such a crucial purpose.

Here's my suggestion: a billionaire, with an interest in democracy, and doing it right, should step up and cover the cost of the primaries. Fifty million dollars is chicken feed to a billionaire.

In fact, I can think of a billionaire with a great love for democracy: Mayor Mike Bloomberg of New York City.

How about it, Mayor Mike - with a stroke of your pen and small dip into your private finances, you could bail the Democratic party out of this mess, and maybe even save the country.


  1. A do over is outrageous. You don't "do over" something this big. They shouldn't have had the vote in the first place - or Dean should have quit his whining and just let them push it up. What about all the people who voted the first time but for whatever reasons cant do it again? Why doesn't their vote count? Either way someone's votes aren't counting and this all lays on Deans doorstep. It's a problem that can't ever be solved. At least not properly.

  2. I agree with you that Dean's handling of this mess has been just that, a mess. In fact, people should be calling for Dean to step down over it. Why is he not being held accountable?

    But it is not Bloomberg's place to assist the Democrats in this mess. He's not even a member of the Democratic party, and hasn't been for seven years now. And though last year he left the Republican party as well, his girlfriend is a powerful New York Republican insider (and at least as smart as him). There is no reason for Bloomberg to do something so generous for the DNC. They certainly don't deserve it.

    Dean's motives are also absurdly transparent. He doesn't want to count their delegates because he has a score to settle with the Clintons. Counting the delegates from Michigan and Florida could decisively tip the nomination to Hillary. In 2004 Dean ran his whole campaign against Bill Clinton's presidential record, and has paraded himself as the Democrat's Anti-Clinton since day 1. The Clintons opposed Dean getting the leadership position in the DNC, and this is Dean dealing out his payback. Dean would be willing to rip the party in half, and deprive the Democrats of the White House if he could keep Hillary out of office in the process (not to say the Clintons wouldn't do the same if the shoe were on the other foot).

    This Democratic party BS is so personal and is driven by nothing but the enormous egos of a few people at the top.

    Let them all rip each other apart. It's of no concern to me. I've never been a member of any political party, and plan to keep it that way. Party politics disgusts me and this is a perfect example of why.



    Run Mike Run - Michael Bloomberg for President

  3. anon: well, you're entitled to your defeatist attitude - it's a problem "that can never be solved" - but I prefer coming up with solutions, which, if they are not perfect, at least improve the current situation of MI and FL being disenfranchised.

    Chris: I'm not saying this is Bloomberg's responsibility - I'm saying it would be a good thing to do.

    And, as for, "let them rip each other apart" ... you would prefer, what, McCain in the White House to either Clinton or Obama?

  4. You call this a "SOLUTION"?

    Typical stupid liberal idea. Get person X to pay for Person Y's mistake. Why does Mr. Bloomberg get the honor of bailing the Democrats out?

    Why don't all Democrats donate $1,000 for the great event of 2 states revoting or how ever much it would be.

    Or why don't you donate the first $5,000. With all the books you right, surely you have a few bucks more than the average american. And maybe with your grand gesture it would make Bloomberg think twice.

    Hell start a carwash serve or sell some girl scout cookies. Surely you can come up witha better plan than "Hey get the rich guy to pay"

    So PONEY UP FOR YOUR PARTY AND MAYBE YOU CAN "SAVE THE PLANET" and if that fails fleece the rich guy.

  5. :) You can definitely count on a lot more stupid ideas from me, anon ...

    But they're not necessarily liberal ... in fact, suggesting that a billionaire underwrite two primaries is much more like the classic noblesse oblige ... in contrast to taxing the people to make up for the government's mistakes...

    As for my spending $5000 or any of my money on underwriting the primaries ... I might begin thinking about that when I make my first million.

    Hey, you know what? You can help! Run out as soon as you can and buy as many copies of my books as you can! :)

    You can then try re-selling them, and, who knows, you might even see a little profit...

    You can see of list of them over here, with blurbs, reviews, links, etc... Enjoy...

  6. Nice try. You said

    .. in fact, suggesting that a billionaire underwrite two primaries is much more like the classic noblesse oblige

    noblesse oblige is a euphemism for collective coercion. Wealth is all relative.

    I'm sure the wretches in Darfur consider you to be a billionaire. COUGH UP, save the planet!!! Go.
