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Monday, April 28, 2008

Battlestar Galactica 4.4: A Little More about Cylons

A grim 4th episode of the final season of Battlestar Galactica on Friday, in which not much happened, not much was revealed, but we perhaps learned a little more about the Cylons on the ship...

1. Roslin is telling everyone she doesn't have much longer to live. I'm wondering why this is being put so prominently into the story. It occurs to me that maybe it's a lead-up to seeing Roslin die, and come back to life on the Reincarnation ship.

2. Tyrol's having a tough time of it. The best scene of the night was when he tells Admiral Adama, trying to comfort him about Callie, that he hated Callie's "vacant eyes" and more. He's coming to realize that his true love was Boomer, who of course makes perfect sense.

3. And Tigh seeks comfort in Six, who looks to Tigh like Ellen. We know that Tigh is a Cylon. Does this give more weight to Baltar being a Cylon, seeing as how he has more or less constant visions of Six? And does Six know that Tigh is a Cylon?

Soft, intriguing questions ... which I hope coalesce into hard-edged answers in upcoming episodes.

See also ...

Battlestar Galactica's Back and Bristling!
... 4.2 Mysteries and Satisfactions ... 4.3: Deaths, Lessons, Questions ... 4.5 Mutiny on the Demetrius ... ... 4.6 Cylon on Cylon ... 4.9: Finally, Bill and Laura ... 4.10: Earth

and So Say We All: The Battlestar Galactica Blog Carnival, vol. 4

Borrowed Tides

"jumping with ideas" - Denver Post


  1. I don't think Six knows (yet) that Tigh is a Cylon. I think, perhaps, at the end of the episode, she may have started to sense it. Did you see the grin on her face as she was punching his lights out? Talk about disturbing.

  2. "And does Six know that Tigh is a Cylon?"

    Assuming she somehow does know, would Tigh seeing Ellen be caused by Six? We know they project images when in the basestars, and Six in particular has pulled it on Baltar more than once.
    If she did subconciously recognize Tigh, like the raider did with Anders, she might be using the vision of Ellen as a tool to put herself on common ground (the guilt) with Tigh.

  3. Very interesting theory about Roslin! It would be really cool if that happened.

    Definitely makes sense now why Chief loved Boomer so much.

  4. amy - yeah, that grin sent a chill up my spine...

    jy - good points

    dube - thanks!

  5. There's one problem with your analysis. The BSG creators already said that in the image they posted on the Sci-fi BSG page (which showed the cast with one empty seat) showed all the revealed "Final Five" and other human cast members. They stated that no one else in the photo was a cylon, other than the known ones (Six, Athena, Final Four...). The empty seat is reserved for #5.

  6. khellhound and dan: only a problem for my analysis if I believe every thing that the producers say - which I don't ... :)

    For example, the producers of 24, a few years ago, deliberately changed a plan to bring back a character, after word about it got out to too many people ...

    Moral of the story: I like trying to figure out what's happening based on the unfolding plot - rather than hanging on every hint (or false lead) that the creators might put out...
