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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Travis Childers - Democrat - Wins Special Election in Republican Mississippi

The most significant election result tonight was not Hillary Clinton's big win over Barack Obama in West Virginia, but Democrat Travis Childers' win over Republican Greg Davis in the 1st Congressional district in northern Mississippi.

Why is Childers' victory so important? In addition to having a name that seems to come right out of some great work of Southern fiction or an early rock 'n' roller, Childers was stridently opposed by Republicans who sought to link him to Barack Obama.

The technique not only failed, but showed the kind of coattails Obama will have in the general election this Fall. Americans are tired of the Republicans, plain and simple. In Mississippi, the failure of the Bush administration in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath is all too close at hand. In Mississippi and everywhere around the country, Americans are fed up with high gas prices, the flagging economy, and the war in Iraq.

Hillary Clinton's victory speech in West Virginia tonight - one of her best - in fact spoke of those things. The fact is the Republicans have done such a poor job these past eight years that any Democrat can win.

But Hillary Clinton's win in West Virginia won't have any effect on Obama's getting the Democratic nomination - the state is far too small, and the win far too late in the process.

She would make a fine Vice Presidential candidate, in what I'm expecting to be a landslide for Obama and the Democrats in the general election this November.


  1. I can't help but feel someone behind the scenes are pushing Obama on the American public. He can't beat McCain and I feel if he reallyt wanted what was best for this country he would back down or work out something with Hillary who can beat McCain. Otherwise we will have a new Republican pres for 4 more years . The dems really have to get their s**t together. On another note I saw an article on the Soprano Wake in the paper this morning , you must be thrilled it's finally here. Have a fantastic time and fill us in on everything!!

  2. Thanks, Dawn - seems like just yesterday that the Sopranos finale was on!

    I'll definitely give you a full report!

  3. Hey
    I went to that blog from your comments on the Soprano's . OMG It makes alot of sense from his technical view and has me started to rethink my beautiful life goes on ending. I've only gotten a quarter through but would be interested in hearing if your symposium majority thinks this is correct

  4. If our moronic citizens re elected Bush in 2004, it is certainly capable of electing Bush to a 3rd term, i.e. electing "McSame."

    All Clinton and Obama backers must unite in November and vote for the Dem. nominee, regardless if the nominee is not their candidate of choice. SOur country and our world can not afford another four years of Bush-which is exactly what we get with McSame!

  5. I agree completely that all Obama and Clinton supporters must unite.

    I don't agree that Bush's re-election in 2004 was due to morons - it was really due, instead, to too many people not voting at all.

    I think the American electorate is paying more attention now, in much greater numbers, that in 2004. That's why I think Obama will beat McCain by well over 60% in November.

  6. Paul: i hope your soothsaying skills are on target for a big Democratic landslide in November. this country can't afford another 4 years of Republican rule.
