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Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Caves: Will Debate Obama Tonight After All

Breaking news is that John McCain has decided to debate Barack Obama in the first Presidential debate in Mississippi tonight, after all. I guess Americans should be thankful that McCain has deigned to do the right thing, and not subvert the election process.

Here's a recap of what happened in the past few days:

1. McCain announced he was suspending his campaign - in order to go to Washington to help with the financial bailout legislation. He also called for postponing tonight's debate.

2. Obama wisely refused to take McCain's bait, and pointed out that a President needs to multi-task, handle more than one crisis at the same time. Obama also said that times like this are precisely when debates are the most necessary, to let people in a democracy know where the candidates stand on the crucial issues, so they can vote informed.

3. McCain went to Washington yesterday, and by all accounts hurt rather than helped the negotiations for the bailout legislation. Lots of calls were heard for McCain to get out of town.

4. McCain blinked today, and will debate Obama on national television tonight.

I hope Americans do not forget what an affront McCain's proposal to postpone the debate was to the democratic process - to our elections, which are the basis of our freedom in America.

And Obama deserves credit for standing up to the considerable pressure to postpone the debate. He acted Presidential in thinking clearly and calmly in this dual crisis - the election crisis as well as the financial crisis.

I hope Obama makes those points in the debate tonight.


  1. Paul, I don't know if I can trackback your blog but I did reference it from mine as you and I have opposing views. I had early in the Summer predicted a win by McCain in the debates. My post and reference link is at:

  2. Thanks for the post and the link, rclightning.

    Although we obviously disagree on the candidates, we agree completely on the importance of the Presidential debates, and I'm always happy to find writers who truly value the election process.

    I'll be back here with a post after tonight's debate... Will be interesting to see to what extent our assessments agree...

  3. Paul,
    Are you ever critical of Obama? I am a McCain supporter, but certainly do not hesistate to criticize him. It is unfair to say McCain screwed up the negotiations when partisans like Harry Reid are making those accusations. Reports are actually saying that McCain was pretty quiet during the meetings. I respect your opinions and writing but please don't be so partisan.

  4. Hi Paul,
    Now I have to be a grown up and watch the debate. I think Mccain hurt himself with this whole thing. I'll check back with you Monday to see your views. Have A great Weekend!

  5. anon - have you read much in this blog, or do you just come in and comment after reading one or two posts?

    Here, for example, is a post in which I've been critical of Obama - I'm a Progressive Libertarian - and here's another - Obama's Very Success Disproves His Critique of Television and Video Games... and there are more throughout Infinite Regress.

    I'm glad you respect my opinions and writing. I would like to respect yours, but find that difficult when you make characterizations about this blog which you could easily have refuted by doing just a little reading...

  6. Paul,
    I did not go that far back in readings, I apologize, but some articles did seem partisan, I enjoyed the article "I'm a Progressive Libertarian." Your a gentlemen.

  7. Thank you, and appreciated.

    What I write here is indeed partisan - but partisan to my own positions, not to any candidate's.

    When Obama is President, you'll find in this blog lots more critical of his policies, I'm sure.

    But for now, I'm finding a lot more that wrong for this country in John McCain's.
