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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Best Political Ad of the 2008 Presidential Campaign

This, in my opinion, is the best ad of the 2008 Presidential campaign, and I'd put in the top 10 best political ads of all time.

It says it all - John McCain's admitted lack of knowledge about the economy, and his VP choice Sarah Palin's lack of knowledge about just about everything.

And the ad says this without speaking a single word!

Charlie Chaplin and Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud.


  1. I think my favorite ad was the one made immediately after the last debate. McCain thought he'd come up with a killer line: Sen. Obama, I'm not George Bush. If you wanted to run against George Bush you should have run four years ago." Of course Obama had a great comeback. But even better was the ad they came out with using McCain's line. Then rolling all the ways he was like Bush on one side of the screen, with all his weird facial expressions from the debate on the other.

    That ad was *awesome*!

  2. Changing our court system forever, a whole new crop of welfare programs, an endorsement of the victim society across the country, an endorsement of much greater tax increases across the country, the "fairness" doctrine, the possibility of a new "New Deal" to exacerbate our economic problems just like the first one did and many other things are not what I stand for. Obama's administration, along with no check on our radical Congress, will do irreparable damage to our Constitution.

    No matter who we elect to offices from dog catcher to Congress in the years after an Obama administration will not matter. The message of freedom will be damaged beyond repair as an Obama election would be the endorsement of the idea of the failure of capitalism, freedom. I do not want my daughter to grow up in the America that Obama has in store for us. Unfortunately, John McCain is not much better, though I don't think he is a radical - He has not spoken openly about using courts to distribute wealth to voters or about how our founding fathers were so flawed to not give the GOVERNMENT it's own rights in the Constitution.

    Unfortunately, we are left choosing between evil and more evil.

  3. Henry, I'm sorry to say your choices are based on ignorance -

    The New Deal didn't make things worse, it helped get out our country of the Great Depression with its public works programs, etc.

    Obama doesn't want to increase taxes, he wants to reduce them, for 95% of the population.

    Obama is a vigorous supporter of capitalism and free enterprise.

    Do a little reading. Get your facts straight.

    Don't be like Joe the would-be plumber...

  4. Paul: I blamed the educational system and very poor family values by the parental units for the vast ignorance that is displayed on these blogs. Take some initiative, crack open a book, read a little, discuss current events, entertain a foreign point of view once in a while. Open your mind to other opinions. Outside of your narrow minds is a vast expanse of opportunity. Take a chance on new vistas.
