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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Biden, Bill and Hillary Speak to Better Instincts of Americans in Scranton, PA

I just saw Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton give inspiring speeches on CSPAN at a campaign rally for Obama in Scranton, PA.

Inspiring - literally - as in uplifting, appealing to our better instincts. Joe Biden ending his speech with a call for Americans to "get up" and reclaim the country. Hillary speaking about how well the economy was doing the last time a Democrat was in office. Bill Clinton agreeing with Jill Biden that this was the most important election of our lifetime.

Uplifting. Strong criticism of McCain and Republican economic and foreign policies, of course, but no personal attacks. The crowd even cheered McCain when Biden cited his service to the country. The crowed booed McCain when Biden accurately described McCain's "erratic" response to the economic crisis. But no one in the crowd called out vile things about McCain. No one shouted "kill him!" as someone at a Palin rally shouted out about Obama.

The difference between this Democratic rally and what we've seen at Republican rallies this past week should cause all independent Americans, and one hopes some Republicans, to think about the way the Republicans have been conducting this campaign. Rough and tumble politics, sharply worded attacks on policy, are a longstanding and important part of our political culture. Calling on the worst instincts of Americans may be a longstanding part, too - but can we afford to continue a party in office that appeals to these instincts, repeatedly, in this campaign?

The Democratic rally this afternoon in Scranton was not only inspiring in what Biden, Hillary, and Bill said, it was inspiring in its example of what politics should be.


  1. I almost went to the rally, but I wasn't able to get a ride. Sounds like I would've thoroughly enjoyed my time.

  2. If it was anything like what I saw on CSPAN - I'm sure it was better in person - you would have had a great time.

    I see on your web page that you have good taste in television - Walter Bishop, Lost, etc - as well as in politics. Best of luck in all of your endeavors.

  3. Bill and Hill would ruin it for me. Two of the most arrogant, constitution trampling politicians we've had in a while.

    yea look at the economy last time a democrat was in. . .then he started to deregulate the housing industry. Bush finished the job- but bill started it in 98 and 99.

    the repubs have some bat shit crazy supporters- hell I talked about em. (and I do feel bat shit crazy is an accurate term)

    but lets not get crazy. the DNC and RNC both had protesters getting their respective asses beat and tear gas launched this year.

    If I were Obama and Biden- I'd avoid the Clintons like the plague. They don't need them at all.

  4. You're talking about Clintons' past (Bill Clinton's, in particular) - I'm talking about the present. Did you hear their speeches?

    And I don't recall any people at Democratic rallies calling out to kill the GOP candidate, do you?

    Back to the economy: Bush did more than finish the job. By 2005, it was clear that the housing bubble was going to soon burst. A responsible President would have moved right then to change a few things...

  5. I never said chanted kill professor, I said 'protesters getting their respective asses beat and tear gas launched'

    and a person's past has some bearing on their future. 40 years ago with ayers? yea that was a long time ago. 10 years ago with Bill Clinton? come on. You don't still get pissed at people who told us there were WMD's in Iraq? that was almost 10 years ago. . .and that still pisses me off.

    Nixon's watergate? if he were still alive today would you let his transgressions pass? they were over 30 years ago.

    You taught me how to argue professor- Bill did some good things, but he was a major tool in a lot of ways too.

    as for the kill chant- your absolutely right. no one has chanted at any dem rally.

    they post online!

    check comments:

    or write articles called "how many babies did you kill McCain"

    is it the same thing? no- but lets not pretend this is a campaign where only one side is dirty.

    Yes the crazy nut jobs on the republican side are crazier than their equivalent on the democrat side, and yes those bat shit crazy people who call Obama Arab and wish him harm are completely out of line and have no business speaking for anyone but their bat shit crazy selves.

    but this is not a clean fight by supporters on either side.

  6. Sorry, if I taught you to argue, I guess I didn't do a perfect job :)

    Saying "how many babies did you kill, McCain" is not comparable to saying "kill him!" about Obama.

    Surely you see how much worse and more dangerous the second is.

    The first is rhetorical, the second is a call to action.

    Therefore, arguing as you are that there is any equivalence between what Democrats and Republicans have been saying about the opposition just doesn't make sense.

    Frankly, I would like to see everyone who called that out a Republican rally questioned by the Secret Service. It's not freedom of speech; it's a threat.

    I would say exactly the same thing if Democrats were calling for that about McCain.

  7. your nit picking professor. I said the republicans were worse.

    PS I'll be down in November, and I have something for you that I think you'll like.

    and the other link did say 'kill mccain'.

  8. I looked at the other link, Mike - I assume you're referring to the comment that says "too bad the North Vietnamese didn't kill McCain"?

    That's an ugly thing to say, no doubt.

    But it's just not in the same league as people at rallies shouting "kill him" about Obama. You remember what we discussed and studied in class about the herd instinct, right? Shouting stuff like that at rallies is an incitement to violence - in contrast to what was written on that blog.

    The Republicans are not only worse - their incitements to violence make them major league worse.

    See you in November.

  9. oh I don't disagree with your point at all. just bringing up some other points that I feel didn't receive much attention.

  10. Mike and readers - I just saw this small article in Salon, which says the Secret Service is concluding that there is no evidence that anyone shouted "kill him" about Obama at any Republican rallies. The Secret Service thinks in the first reported case, someone in the crowd shouted "tell him" or "tell them" (they say they listened carefully to recorded tapes) and in the second case, only one witness reported hearing "kill him".

    I'll keep you posted here on anything more that I come across about this.
