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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Howard Dean for Secretary of Health and Human Services

I think Howard Dean would make a great Secretary of Health and Human Services.

He's tough and compassionate. He understands the world of new media better than most - he was really the first Internet candidate in 2004, but was ahead of his time. YouTube and Twitter did not even exist back then.

Howard Dean also deserves at least some major credit for Obama's great victory. As head of the Democratic Party, Dean presided over a bruising primary - which resulted in a huge Democratic victory, and maybe even more incredibly, the winner's main opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the cabinet as Secretary of State.

Getting universal health care won't be easy. It will take someone willing to twist arms, twist and shout, as well as talk sense and cajole. It will take someone with knowledge of the field - and Howard Dean is an MD.

Tom Daschle's withdrawal is disappointing. President Obama can turn this into a powerful, golden opportunity by appointing Howard Dean.

1 comment:

  1. I figured I would get a very precise answer from you Paul, thanks! [I hear via MSNBC grapevine that the OAdmin has some problems w/ Dean] Do you know anything? Any other nominees you would approve?

    PS: We (the people) just have to get rid of the Commerce nominee for someone better.

    I have such a good feeling about having Obama in office, but that doesn't mean we're going to agree with everything he does of course. And I have some hopes that he will listen to us.
