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Monday, March 9, 2009

Dead Man's Cell Phone in Hartford

Hey, just a week left to see Dead Man's Cell Phone in Hartford, starring my friend Mark Shanahan - who also narrates the audio book of The Plot to Save Socrates and lots of my other science fiction.

Here's The New York Times' review, When a Ringing Phone Demands to Be Answered ... Actually, as I pointed out in my Cellphone: The Story of the World's Most Mobile Medium, a ringing phone always demands to be answered ... but this play ratchets up the possibilities and consequences...

Mark's a fine actor, by the way, and one of the best things I did in my time as Chair of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham was bring in Mark to teach courses on Hitchcock, Film in New York, and other intriguing subjects...

The New York Times
review has all the time and place details for the play, and below are two videos of me discoursing on the impact of the cellphone...

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