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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson and the Ever Lasting Record

Michael Jackson died today. He was 50 years old. In his own way, he was the successor of Frank Sinatra in the 1940s, Elvis in the 1950s, the Beatles in 1960s, and no one recording artist or group in the 1970s. He was probably the most like Elvis, in that both died, way too young, of natural causes. Jackson was a voice, an image, and an icon that helped define the decade of the 1980s.

He also help ignite a revolution in video that we are still enjoying. Not only was his "Thriller" album in the 1980s the best selling album in history, his "Thriller" video helped propel MTV to international attention in its early days in the 1980s. This along with HBO and CNN in turn helped launch cable television, which spelled the dethroning of network television as the only game in town. YouTube today can be seen as a beneficiary of the music video revolution that Michael Jackson helped start.

Whenever someone famous and great dies way before his or her time, I always think of A. E. Housman's poem, "To An Athlete Dying Young." Housman's pervesely rational take was that it's not so bad - because, when you die young, you don't live to see someone else exceed your record, and leave your accomplishments in the dust. "Eyes the shady night has shut, cannot see the record cut."

Michael Jackson did see some very rough times after his glory years. But his record and place in history will never be diminished.


  1. Great liturgy to Jackson's. Well done Paul for keeping up to date with the news. The guy in the kebab shop just told me Michael Jackson sadly passed away today of a heart attack in his sleep. So anyway I checked twitter through the new seemster desktop 0.3 application and quickly confirmed the very sad news. Poetry has all the answer's well done for highlighting this author, however I will say I do not thing any poem will replace Jackson to all his devout fans.

  2. Hi Paul - what nice things to say about Michael.

    We heard today a little earlier due to being right downtown. This is quite a shock and blow for everyone in L.A. Michael may have been very controversial over the years, but we all loved his music and talent, and no matter what the controversy, I always felt he was a gentle, loving and creative man.

  3. Thanks, Robb and Amy - and good points.
