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Monday, September 14, 2009

True Blood Season 2 Finale

Well, I said earlier that joining of forces would be the way to defeat Maryann in True Blood, and it sure was, but the joining consisted of fewer forces, which in turn led to a surprise at the very end.

With all humans under Maryann's power, it's up to Bill and Sam to bring her down, which they do with Sam almost sacrificing himself, Bill quietly reviving him, and Sam coming back as a Dionysius bull to Maryann. She embraces him, thinking him her god, and Sam gores her to death (she's vulnerable in the presence of an entity she at first believes to be her god).

So far, so good. The town is slowly coming back to as normal as it can be, given some of its denizens. Bill asks Sookie out to dinner, and proposes. She doesn't say yes immediately. Is she thinking of Eric?

Eric was absent from the destruction of Maryann. He earlier tells the Queen that he intends to take care of Bill, and not in a good way.

In some ways, I think the ending would have been stronger had Eric come to Sookie, while she was in the powder room, thinking what to do about Eric's proposal ... and gone away with Eric...

Instead, it's Bill who is apparently taken away by Eric - or someone - against his will. Sookie decides to say yes, only to find him gone...

So Sookie's left alone to start the next season. If Eric kidnapped Bill, Eric will surely come back to consummate his relationship Sookie. If someone else kidnapped Bill, Eric and Sookie could join forces to rescue Bill. Either way, there's some face time ahead for Eric and Sookie, and the possibilities are, as always with True Blood, intriguing. Bring on the bad things of Season 3.

See also Love and True Blood in the Air and Likes Coming Together in True Blood and True Blood Boiling and Godric, Eric, and Sookie on the Roof and Maryann vs. the Good in True Blood and Illusion, Eisenhower, and Texting

6-min podcast review of True Blood

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  1. Hi Paul,
    I think Sookie was thinking about the conversation she had when locked upped. How vampires don't age and Humans will get old and then what. I liked the finale and wonder where the Hoyt Jessica thing will go. Of course I can't wait for Eric next season. The only sad thing was Eggs I liked him with Tara and god knows how she'll reat to him gone

  2. Hello!

    Lack of Eric was disheartening... With Sookie having had his blood, her feelings are known to him. I would have appreciated at the very least that Eric have a moment of realization that she was in trouble. At the end, I too was hoping and thinking that Eric was going to show up in the powder room and whisk her away!

    It also would have been nice if they had tied in Sookie's dream where she tells Eric that she doesn't feel right without a tan. :) Or even her other dreams of enjoying breakfast with Bill in the morning sun.

    The Queen and her obsession with Scrabble annoyed me.

    I wouldn't count out Bill's maker just yet... She appeared batty enough to make another play for Bill.

    I didn't like that Jason was so easily placed under Maryann's influence... If he and Sookie are related, then it would stand to reason that he'd have some of whatever mojo she's packing, wouldn't it? Maybe she got both their share? I did enjoy his dialog though - he gets some awfully fun things to say:)

    The bits with Sam toward the end were touching - his mourning for Daphne was sweet and his confrontation with his adoptive parents was great.

  3. why on earth everyone seems to prefer eric??? i truly doubt and hope that i am wright that S. and B. finally find the way to be together and rest will go to hell:D and I just hope that series 3 will be the last, and that they wont make of it bullshit long Dynasty.

  4. i don't have any problem if it goes on and on as long as they keep it interesting and entertaining. so far true blood episodes are great and i wish it remains the same
