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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NCIS Back in Season 8 Action

And NCIS - the most viewed scripted series on television - was back in action on CBS last night, too.  It was a strong show, with both Gibbs' father and Mike Franks on hand, DiNozzo doing a good Canadian accent, and Vance more in evidence than usual.

Picked up right at the point that the Season 7 finale ended - Paloma (daughter of the killer of Gibbs' wife and daughter, in turn killed by Gibbs years ago) makes good on her threat to take out Gibbs' father, or at least try to.  But Jackson Gibbs is obviously no fool, and escapes her attack unscathed.

Paloma then proceeds to draw Gibbs out with a series of murders, while her brother does his best to confound NCIS with his lies.   He was able to pull the wool a little over Abby's eyes last year, but no one at NCIS is about to be fooled twice.  By the time the episode is over, Paloma's dead, and all accounts are settled, including Vance burying Abby's file that incriminates Gibbs in the killing of Paloma's father.

So NCIS can pretty much start with a new, clean slate this season.  I missed a major role for Ziva last night, but the good news on that score is that Vance seems to have some important business with Ziva's father - that is, probably at least dangerous news for Vance and therefore NCIS, but good news for us because it gets Ziva back front and center.

As I've mentioned before, I always like the continuing, deeper stories.  If NCIS can keep those in some kind of prominence this season, I'll be happy.

See also NCIS  ... NCIS 7.16: Gibbs' Mother-in-Law Dilemma ... NCIS 7.17: Ducky's Ties ... NCIS 7.18: Bogus Treasure and Real Locker ... NCIS 7.21: NCIS Meets Laura ... NCIS Season 7 Finale: Retribution

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  1. I also liked the NCIS premier. It was a much stronger show than the premier of HOUSE which also served to bridge this season and last season.

    NCIS has been strong from the beginning even though the reality of what the real NCIS can do and what the showbiz NCIS can do is tenuous. (I doubt that local police in any city would allow NCIS to take the lead in a local murder investigation simply because the victim is in the Navy or Marines.)

    Yes, let's hope Ziva is back in a stronger role, one that focuses more on her investigative strengths than on the lame and juvenile interplay between her and DiNozzo. That would make me happy.


  2. I agree totally about Ziva but I also missed some Abby and Ducky action. Great show to open the new season I agree.

  3. I also liked the show, but did anyone else notice how horribly thin McGee was? Is he ill? He looked almost emaciated - honestly wasn't certain it was him at first!

  4. Good points, everyone.

    Yeah, McGee did look thin - but he's been looking thinner and thinner every year, and I figured it was the actor's deliberate attempt to shed his original heavier image.

  5. I really enjoyed the season premiere and look forward to all the things that can happen.

    However, I must say I have read some really nasty insulting comments in regards to Mr. Murray's weight loss. I find that to be reprehensible and rude. We are not his doctors and we have no right to comment. Especially after the EP saying in the chat following that Mr. Murray is fine.

  6. Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Kate. I thought the comment made here by Anonymous, however, was more an expression of concern than rudeness. I'm glad the Exec Producer said Sean Murray's ok, though.
