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Monday, October 18, 2010

Rubicon Season One Finale: Andy, Truxler, Clover

Rubicon ended its first season on AMC much as it has been doing all along, a riddle wrapped in a clover leaf inside an enigma. We don't even know if what we saw last night was the end of the just the first season or the end of everything - that is, it's not completely clear if Rubicon will be renewed, though I certainly hope it is.

The surprising reveal, which raises more questions than it answers, is Andy, Will's mostly welcoming neighbor.   Katherine's late husband directs her to an apartment, where Andy happens to be.  She agrees to go with Katherine to briefly meet Will, though Andy cautions Katherine that that's dangerous.  And Katherine is indeed murdered - by a swift injection in the back of the shoulder by Mr. Roy, doing Truxler's work - as Will looks on from an overpass, and Andy from the underpass, neither able to do anything to save Catherine.

Will is horrified.   But what about Andy?   Who, indeed, is she?  She's obviously some kind of spy, and was no doubt assigned to keep an eye on Will, but whom is she working for?  Unlikely Truxler, otherwise she could have easily killed Will herself, rather than leaving that attempt to Bloom.  Possibly for Kale - who has a maddeningly low profile in this episode - or the FBI, CIA, or the group that sentences Truxler, take your pick.

Meanwhile, Truxler presents another mystery.   He's given the clover leaf.  But he hasn't yet taken his life when Will finds him on the roof.   Truxler notes how much better the roof is than struggling with the window - presumably easier to jump off a roof than out of a window?   (If he'd planned on shooting himself in the head, he could have already done that.)   I thought the episode would end with Truxler jumping off the roof right in front of Will's eyes, after congratulating Will on his success in id'ing and essentially stopping Truxler.

But Truxler walks away - to live another day?   One of many reasons I hope we get to see another season of this fine, chess-game of a show, which somehow manages to pack a lot of power and punch in its low-key story telling.

See also Rubicon on AMC ... Rubicon 1.5: Bloom

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"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book


  1. Is "Truxler" a convenient portmanteau of yours for Truxton Spangler? I've learned (from someone else's digging) that there is a Thomas Truxton (a privateer) from the Revolutionary War that did the bidding of Congress. In a later U.S. scuffle with France, the historic Truxton becomes commissioned in the Navy and becomes the captain of the USS Constellation.

    My own supposition is that this historic figure's name not only connects to Spangler's first name but of course may also have given the Rhumor character his first name as well. Thus Thomas Rhumor and Truxton Spangler becomes Thomas Truxton and of course "Spangler" might be a portmanteau for "star spangled banner." I got the "Spangler" feeling from seeing the pilot and should have dug deeper then. Thus, the seaport museum becomes itself a gigantic Easter egg, with Will looking over to it (and the tall ships there) on many occasions from the roof of API.

    I also discovered that the fiction of the Fishers Island seven is also telling the history from 100 years ago of the events of seven notable people while on Jekyll Island that in 1913 created the Federal Reserve. This links directly to the Woodrow Wilson quote seen at the pilot's beginning. There is a lot going on with Rubicon. ;-)

  2. Yeah, I first mistyped Truxler in the title - but decided I liked it (the near rhyme with clover, and the connotation of hustler ...:)

    I think your analysis of the derivation of Truxton's name makes sense. Also resonates with Spengler and his work on the rise and fall of civilizations.

    Good to have your comments here!

    (And thanks, too, for your correction by email about just where Katherine was injected :)

  3. It was maddening in some respects to watch the season finale. Why would Any NOT reveal herself to Will? and then, couldn't Will see that Katherine was trying to hand him something as she was dying? I kept screaming at the screen:

    "The DVD, the DVD, pick-up the DVD!"

    Ah, the well laid plans of mice and men. for some reason I think there is a 3rd group here, and even Kale might not be completely aware of them. What is their game? If there is a 2nd season, I bet, that is where the story-line will hinge. And remember, I don't think that Will is an easy target anymore, because the secret is out and Will told Miles. But, I also think that Truxton NOT taking his life will have consequences!

  4. Personaly I thought the underlying conspiracy story was not needed.

    The day to day workings of the groups is more than interesting enough to make a programme.
    ** Csi... style BUT with depth and complexity.

    Still a good show. Bad season ending.

  5. So disappointed that this Show was canceled by AMC.
