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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Event 1.10: Satellite

Well, another bit of evidence - all but irrefutable - that those folks who don't age on The Event are aliens from space.   In episode 1.10 just on the East Coast tonight,  Thomas launches a satellite.

The President and his advisors, in true 24-fashion, thought until after the launch itself that the payload was a nuclear weapon, aimed at the United States.  The fact that it was a satellite, with transmission turned out towards the universe (not back to Earth, like our telecom satellites), showed not only that it was not intended to destroy us (at least, not immediately) but it likely was also not intended to communicate just across time.

Of course, for all we know, it is some sort of tachyon communication device across time, too.   But, at very least, even if there is a time travel (or communicating across time) element, it is coupled with a transmission out into space too.   In other words, whatever else these ageless people may be, they seem to have an undeniable outer space connection.

By the way, while we're on the subject of communicating across time, we of course do that all the time.   You're reading this blog whenever - but I'm writing it now at about 10:21pm Eastern time - in other words, these words have traveled x number of minutes, hours, days, maybe years (depending upon when you're reading this) across time, in the good old natural way that started when the first humans carved or painted something upon a wall or tree.   We also do this every time look at a photograph.

That kind of time-honored travel across time of information is not what science fiction is talking about when its characters and authors and fans speak about communicating across time.   In the case of The Event, if what's going on is communication across time, what would be happening is sending information back in time or directly to the future - as in Greg Benford's Timescape - both of which are something extraordinarily difficult or even impossible, as far as know, or at least would engender mind-lacerating paradox.

Ah, I could write about this stuff all night!

Anyway, the other big news in tonight's Event is that Leila's father is alien!  Or, at least, he doesn't age.   Someone suggested this in a comment to my review of last week's Event.  Hey - maybe he/she was able to glimpse the future ...

5-min podcast review of The Event

See also The Event Debuts on NBC ... The Event 1.2: Aliens! ... The Event 1.4: 24 Back in Action! ... The Event 1.6: Not Only Aliens, Immortals! ... The Event 1.7: The Portal and its Implications  ... The Event 1.8: The "Republican" VP and the Anti-24 ... The Event 1.9: "Native Populations, Indigenous People"

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  1. My suggestion is to go with the mind-lacerating paradox. I put forth my early guess (Sept. 20) on several sites that we might be dealing with predestination paradoxes and my Easter egg collection convinces me of that.

    I believe Dempsey will create the EBEs on Earth although he probably thinks he's mining alien genetic advantages for the benefit of mankind. Instead, he's just reverse-engineering what he created. Yeah, aspirin time but I love it.

    I believe Thomas has violated Sophia's Prime Directive because he was told to do it. Who told him? Why the Thomas back on the EBE planet that he just sent the message to from the satellite, as you also suspect. It should go much deeper and even include the grand tour of sending Vicky's adopted boy Adam probably with Samantha (as Eve) along with other modified humans to settle the EBE world.

    Also, I think we'll see "The Event" be our Sol go supernova eventually, wiping out not humans but an Earth populated with transformed humanity: a caterpillar to moth metaphor (from several Easter eggs).

    At the very end there will be a choice. See the light show and die as an immortal or take a shot in the arm and turn human once again. Why? Well, to go through a portal to distant times on Earth and keep the secret. Again, creating the history we already have known. So it's the classic trek episode of "All Our Yesterdays" with the added twist of settling another planet to feed back from the future to the present and then on to the past. I think this is a pre-destination paradox cascade.

    I've got such clues dug out as the triangle logo linking to the reverse letter E as a three (the Holy Trinity as well as past/present/future) and leading to the Book of Kells at Trinity college in Dublin in 1880. Why the Book of Kells in 1880? There is the trivia that the book includes Celtic knot vesica piscis triquetra (as a three-lobed sacred mobius) and of a certain Thomas Maguire, according to an internet surname database: Thomas Maguire (1831 - 1889), professor of classical composition, Trinity College, Dublin, 1880. So I may know where at least one character will end up. He might even be taking care of a book that is started by Sophia earlier in history and passed to his care (totally wag).

    I've got the "Eve" also as mitochondrial DNA that Dempsey is focused on (mtDNA Eve) and of his herbal sugar substitute and the multiple clues of water also being beneficial to mtDNA. The flashback to Thomas in 1954 happens to match up with the Free Radical Theory of Aging.

    Another homage to The Event might be an early work of Issac Asimov’s called The Red Queen's Race.

    So consider my mind well-lacerated, lol.

  2. Oh yes. Another "Adam and Eve" pair should be Sean and Leila, totally human again and perhaps going back to help settle the Earth before (cough) Mankind is there. Ouroboros, chicken-egg, etc. Also accompanying them might be President Martinez and his family. Lots of genetic material and mtDNA to pass down from the mommas.

  3. My first comment didn't post so the above one is non-linear, lol.

    My suggestion is to go with the mind-lacerating paradox. I put forth my early guess (Sept. 20) on several sites that we might be dealing with predestination paradoxes and my Easter egg collection convinces me of that.

    I believe Dempsey will create the EBEs on Earth although he probably thinks he's mining alien genetic advantages for the benefit of mankind. Instead, he's just reverse-engineering what he created. Yeah, aspirin time but I love it.

    I believe Thomas has violated Sophia's Prime Directive because he was told to do it. Who told him? Why the Thomas back on the EBE planet that he just sent the message to from the satellite, as you also suspect. It should go much deeper and even include the grand tour of sending Vicky's adopted boy Adam probably with Samantha (as Eve) along with other modified humans to settle the EBE world.

    Also, I think we'll see "The Event" be our Sol go supernova eventually, wiping out not humans but an Earth populated with transformed humanity: a caterpillar to moth metaphor (from several Easter eggs).

  4. At the very end there will be a choice. See the light show and die as an immortal or take a shot in the arm and turn human once again. Why? Well, to go through a portal to distant times on Earth and keep the secret. Again, creating the history we already have known. So it's the classic trek episode of "All Our Yesterdays" with the added twist of settling another planet to feed back from the future to the present and then on to the past. I think this is a pre-destination paradox cascade.

  5. I've got the "Eve" also as mitochondrial DNA that Dempsey is focused on (mtDNA Eve) and of his herbal sugar substitute and the multiple clues of water also being beneficial to mtDNA. The flashback to Thomas in 1954 happens to match up with the Free Radical Theory of Aging.

    Another homage to The Event might be an early work of Issac Asimov’s called The Red Queen's Race.

    So consider my mind well-lacerated, lol.

  6. Excellent, complex analysis, Mosaic - even if the producers didn't intend it, they may well read your comments here (who knows who reads this!) and go with some of your ideas....

    That's sort of circular, too, right ? :)

  7. Indeed, I realize that this may not be what they intended but it does seem to fit. Part of my enjoyment in trying to solve these "mystery shows" is the trip itself and not just the destination.

    I've been able to do a better job at this show by digging up the non-linear mythology that FlashForward had as its mythology. It's a shame with FF as I loved that show and felt it had a great story to reveal. I'm equally concerned that The Event might only last a single season.

  8. My theory as it stands now. I'm guessing 2026 is the time of "The Event" Why 2026? In episode 110 Carolyn Jones' med chart has her as male and 21 yrs. old. Therefore I took the character name as a clue to the actress that played Morticia in The Addams Family. If this then points to Vicky's Adam "adopted" in 2005, he'll be 21 around 2026. Now we wait and hopefully view a series finale eventually.

  9. Paul, I think I have found a Russian stacking doll meaning in the series title. I've been obsessing on the title of The Event since we first saw it and feel I've filled in some additional aspects.

    This graphic I made describes the "V" inside the "Eve" inside "The Event":

    In looking at the Wikipedia page on Hindu Tantra (on a hunch) I find this quote:

    'Evolution, or the "outgoing current," is only half of the functioning of Maya. Involution, or the "return current," takes the jiva back towards the source, or the root of Reality, revealing the infinite. Tantra is understood to teach the method of changing the "outgoing current" into the "return current," transforming the fetters created by Maya into that which "releases" or "liberates." This view underscores two maxims of Tantra: "One must rise by that by which one falls," and "the very poison that kills becomes the elixir of life when used by the wise.'

    That last bit sure is a good description of the vial contents. ;-)

    My connection is that we have a character name of Maya in the series and we both know what Maya means in Sanskrit.

  10. The following is from the Hinduism Wiki entry:

    The Trimurti is a concept in Hinduism "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahmā the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver, and Śhiva the destroyer or transformer." These three deities have been called "the Hindu triad" or the "Great Trinity," often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh."
