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Friday, January 21, 2011

A Few Thoughts about Olbermann's Departure

As I said about Keith Olbermann's suspension from MSNBC in November - which I also deeply regretted - there was a lot about Olbermann's Countdown, most especially his all-too-often histrionic over-the-top style, that I was no fan of.  But his voice was an important, often refreshing, sometimes even crucial and reassuring note in our fast-moving, dangerous world, and I'll therefore miss him and Countdown.

As for MSNBC, I've by and large supported its progressive view since before there was cable all-news television.  But I find myself progressively less happy, more annoyed, at the way they have chosen to roll it out.  They still lamely repeat Chris Matthews at 5 and 7 pm (have Matthews on once in the evening at 7 pm).   They still ruin their weekends with "doc-block" stale documentary programming rather than live news.  Even their new slogan - "lean forward" - is weak.  Why lean, not move, or go?  Lean is way too passive.

So the firing of Olbermann now - or, to make the best case for MSNBC, letting him leave - is just the latest in a long list of out-for-coffee at the top strategy.  I wish MSNBC well, but I wish Olbermann better, and the progressive point of view (I'm a progressive libertarian) better still.

Some of the talking heads on television are saying Comcast's take-over of MSNBC is the reason for Olbermann's departure.   If so, my advice to Comcast is:  give America the kind of reliable progressive programming we deserve.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what I think Paul:

    Comcast just stifled a voice they disagree with. This is what this is all about.

    NOW, Rachel and Lawrence and the rest will be asked to tone it down. And they will because they don't want to be fired.

    As for ratings? MSNBC will be behind CNN within 1 year. Within 2 years? They might be completely of the air! How do I know?

    Everything Comcast buys they destroy. They bought "Versus" and they have almost completely destroyed that network, including NHL Hockey and the IndyCar Racing League (I love car racing) who nobody watches (I hate how they cover this league). When they bought G4 TV it used to be one of the hippest TV Networks. Well in very short order they destroyed it. Now, you can only find G4 TV in the upper channel ranges of most packages.

    Trust me, MSNBC is about to die. This was the command given from Corporate America. You don't believe me? You think this is a Conspiracy Theory? Just watch. It might take a couple of years, but it will happen.
