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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NCIS 8.11: "The Sister Went Viral"

That, for me, initiated the best line in tonight's Episode 8.11 of NCIS - "the sister went viral," spoken by McGee, to which Gibbs responds, "what did she have?", demonstrating his delightful lack of knowledge (which I sometimes think is partially feigned) about many things digital.   Ok, I suppose I could believe that Gibbs never heard of FourSquare, and might even be a little unclear about "apps" - but "viral" has been around long enough for Gibbs to know it, right?  Maybe.  And that's part of the fun of this uniquely charactered series.

Gibbs actually had a great night tonight in the memorable phrases department, also getting off a good pun at Ducky's expense when Gibbs leaves the autopsy room and says "duck ... call" (takes a few seconds even for Ducky to get it and I'm not gonna explain it - see the show).

And DiNozzo was in fine form, too, tonight, segueing from Clue to Murder on the Orient Express early in the episode.   Clue, by the way, is a movie as well as the game that inspired it, so we can say DiNozzo got off a double feature analysis.

Diane Neal, late of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, put in an appearance as CGIS Special Agent Abigail Borin - that is, Coast Guard.  Now you know me, I'm always looking out for Gibbs, and I'm thinking she could be good for him.  There was certainly a little chemistry there, but with the big snow in New York tonight, and the cables blowing in the wind,  the reception was a little off, and I couldn't quite make out the color of Abigail's hair.

But the husky voice was there, and she looked ever better than she did as an ADA in Law and Order: SVU, so I'm hoping Abigail will at least be some kind of regular on the series.

Hey, in other NCIS news, I've caught up with all of NCIS-LA first season on DVD over the holidays, and as soon as I get a chance to see the second season, likely this summer, I'll start reviewing NCIS-LA here, too.   Excellent set of original characters out there, too, with the signature NCIS touches - a funny intro after the opening credits, and good mixture of standalone and more deeply significant stories.

See also NCIS Back in Season 8 Action ... NCIS 8.2: Interns! ... NCIS 8.3: Tiff! ... NCIS 8.4: Gary Cooper not John Wayne ... NCIS 8.5: Dead DJ, DiNozzo Hoarse, and Baseball ... NCIS 8.6: The Written Woman ... NCIS 8.7: "James Bond Movie Directed by Fellini" ... NCIS 8.8: Ziva's Father 
... NCIS 8.9: Leon's Story ... NCIS 8.10: DiNozzo In and Out

And see also NCIS  ... NCIS 7.16: Gibbs' Mother-in-Law Dilemma ... NCIS 7.17: Ducky's Ties ... NCIS 7.18: Bogus Treasure and Real Locker ... NCIS 7.21: NCIS Meets Laura ... NCIS Season 7 Finale: Retribution

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