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Monday, February 14, 2011

CBS Mars Grammys with Bleeps, Part II

Well, CBS exceeded last year's regrettable performance of censoring artists on its Grammy Awards broadcast, earlier this evening bleeping (dead silencing) phrases from Arcade Fire, Dr. Dre, Eminem,  Cee Lo, and Lady Gaga - five artists in comparison to three (Lil Wayne, Eminem, Drake) bleeped last year.

It's getting to the point - as I mentioned in one of my Tweets during the Grammys broadcast - that CBS should start calling its show "Holes in the Music".   Afraid to stand up to the FCC and its unconstitutional fines on behalf of the rights of artists and writers to say what they please ("Congress shall make no law ... abridging freedom of speech"), CBS also deprives people in America and around the world the right to enjoy performances of their favorite artists.    CBS' cowardice is especially unfortunate in a world which is daily standing up for its freedom from government repression in memorable ways.

The Grammys need to move to another station, which is willing to let the music and words flow freely.

In the meantime, here are my Tweets pointing out the acts of censorship on CBS earlier this evening, in reverse order.   I look forward to the time that I can just Tweet about how much I'm enjoying the artists and their performances.

Paul Levinson
And just for a good measure, Arcade Fire was censored. CBS should call its show "Holes in the Music"

Paul Levinson
Dr. Dre just got the censorious treatment!

Paul Levinson
Now Eminem censored twice ... the Grammys should be taken off CBS and moved to a station that respects artists and writers

Paul Levinson
And now Cee Lo was apparently bleeped by the CBS censors ... what are they, five years old?

Paul Levinson
CBS up to its old censoring, cowardly tricks: just "bleeped" Lady Gaga's acceptance speech!

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