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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shameful and Wrong for NATO Strike to Kill Gaddafi Grandchildren

I just want to express my outrage that a NATO air strike killed three of Gaddafi's grandchildren in Lybia.

Does not matter if this was intentional.  Does not matter if Gaddafi deserves to die.  Does even not matter if Gaddafi is in some sense responsible because he chose to be physically close to his grandchildren at the time of the strike.

What matters is that innocent lives were taken.  If the motive was to protect other innocent people, that does not matter either.  There is no system of ethics known to humanity which says it's ok to kill innocent people in order to protect other innocent people.

That the United States is fighting along side of NATO makes this even more repugnant to me.  I am an American, and I'm furious and ashamed that my country had any part in this.

There are bad people in the world.   There are murderers.  Some of them are in control of nations.  You don't stop them by becoming a murderer of innocent children yourself.


  1. You are right. I fealt bad for the innocent citizens being killed by Gadaffi, and I feel bad for the grandchildren of Gadaffi. The invasion of Iraq did not make sense and many in america warned senseless horrors would follow. We did not choose diplomacy and letting the inspections work.

  2. Some people may think that was Libya and why am I talking about Iraq. The thing they have in common is that they are both countries in the middle east, and I think it was that initial senseless invasion that is cascading through the middle east. I think the dots can be connected.

  3. The dots can be connected thus: Sure democracy in the middle east would be great for its people, but if you try to import American democracy to the Middle East, you are going to create a mess.

  4. And of course when they said they were invading Iraq to bring it democracy, and that they had a plan to bring democracy to all of the middle east, that is still what we are saying, none of that was or is or government's intention. No. Sinister forces are at work, the American Government wants control of the world oil supply.

  5. Paul, i totally agree. i was shocked to hear this reported and shocked to imagine that NATO consider a family compound a legitimate target. this is yet another example of the solution being, in fact, part of the problem.

    some days, it's hard to feel good about being human.

    ps word verification asks for "hurses". i'm not sure if there are enough in the world for all the bodies.

  6. Paul, I definitely agree. I mean, yes, they were part of the Gaddafi family, but that doesn't necessarily mean they were as bad as Gaddafi. They were still innocents, despite their relation.

  7. Thanks for the comments, Ean, Bruce, and Jason.
