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Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Bridge 2.5: The Soul of the Not-Killer

Lots of welcome coalescing in The Bridge 2.5, including the two reporters pulled into the DEA (and now CIA) investigation, all relating to the bank and Fausto; and Linder finally connected to Robles and Hank.

But the heart of this powerful episode focused on Marco finally exercising his revenge option - revenge on David, for killing Gus - helpfully provided by Fausto.  As I've been saying throughout this season, Marco is so far the much more pivotal, Greek-tragic, Shakespearean character in this drama than is Sonya.   It was already pretty clear, last week, that ultimately he would be siding with the good guys, i.e., not Fausto and Robles.   But Fausto's providing Marco access to David in the prison, where Marco could easily kill David once and for all, placed Marco on the razor's edge once again.

If Marco had killed David on these terms, he'd be unalterably in Fausto's debt.  So Marco's decision only to further hurt David - by further damaging David's damaged eye - is a good strategic move for Marco, because it keeps him at least a little away from complete indebtedness to Fausto.

Marco tells David that he wants David to suffer, and that's why Marco won't yet kill him, but is that the real or truest reason for Marco's not putting David out of his misery, and giving David the death he so eminently deserves, especially from Marco, a father whose son was killed by David?

On balance, I think not.  The truest reason for Marco's not killing David is that, after all, Marco is not a killer.   Which is not to say he won't kill in the heat of battle or fury.  But it is to say that he just can't bring himself to kill David under these circumstances.   Or put otherwise, the pleading that Sonya did with Marco last season, not to kill, found an audience in Marco's soul.

Marco may yet kill David before this season ends.  But I've got a feeling that, if David is killed, it will be by someone else's hands.     Maybe Fausto will do it - speaking of which, we've yet to see Fausto's reaction to what Marco didn't do in the prison, as this fine, taut season of The Bridge continues.

See also The Bridge 2.1: What Motivates Sonya? ... The Bridge 2.2: First-Class Serial Killer ... The Bridge 2.3: Marco's Dilemma ... The Bridge 2.4: Marco Redeemed and Mr. Writ Large

And see also The Bridge Opens Brooding and Valent ... The Bridge 1.2: A Tale of Two Beds ... The Bridge 1.6: Revelations ... The Bridge 1.7: A Killer and a Reluctant Professor ... The Bridge 1.8: Some Dark Poetic Justice ... The Bridge 1.9: Trade-Off ... The Bridge 1.10: Charlotte's Evolution ... The Bridge 1.11: Put to the Test ... The Bridge Season 1 Finale: Marco Joins Mackey and Agnew

another kind of crime story


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