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Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Bridge 2.8: Parallel Stories

More important developments on The Bridge 2.8 last night.

Most significant is the evolving relationship between Sonya and Marco.   Having been disappointed in Hank last week, Sonya now has reason to feel the same about Marco. Given her Asperger's affect, however, it's hard to tell just how upset she is.  She was able to go see Hank, for permission to work with the DEA, even though she still has not forgiven him.  And with Marco, she asks him to leave, after she confronts him after learning that he and Fausto have a history that goes back a very long way.

In a nice and dangerous plot set-up, Sonya will now need Marco and Hank more than ever.  Fausto has hired an American hit-man to take care of her in a "clean" way.  I first thought he was going to try to kill her with a sniper bullet.  But at the end of the episode, she's kidnapped - presumably to make her death look somehow like it was by natural causes?

Meanwhile, Fausto may be close to extinction in Mexico.  He no longer enjoys the support of the businessman mob boss.  The Mexican Marines - I still like the old-term Federales - are after him, and he narrowly escapes their attack on his hideout.   But, significantly, just as Sonya is in her greatest danger, Fausto who put there is in the worst shape he's been so far.

This sort of parallelism has always been one of the hallmarks of The Bridge.   Not only are there parallel as well as intersecting developments on both sides of the bridge, in Juarez and El Paso, but there are parallel stories on either side of the bridge as well.   One of the reasons I'm liking this season more than the first is that the parallel stories are also converging.  The two reporters are thoroughly integrated into the main story, and Eva and Linder - though we saw a story totally their own in 2.8 - are close by.

Looking forward to more.

See also The Bridge 2.1: What Motivates Sonya? ... The Bridge 2.2: First-Class Serial Killer ... The Bridge 2.3: Marco's Dilemma ... The Bridge 2.4: Marco Redeemed and Mr. Writ Large ... The Bridge 2.5: The Soul of the Not-Killer ... The Bridge 2.7: Major Business

And see also The Bridge Opens Brooding and Valent ... The Bridge 1.2: A Tale of Two Beds ... The Bridge 1.6: Revelations ... The Bridge 1.7: A Killer and a Reluctant Professor ... The Bridge 1.8: Some Dark Poetic Justice ... The Bridge 1.9: Trade-Off ... The Bridge 1.10: Charlotte's Evolution ... The Bridge 1.11: Put to the Test ... The Bridge Season 1 Finale: Marco Joins Mackey and Agnew

another kind of crime story


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