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Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Bridge 2.9-10: Deaths and Close To

A scalding, concrete stripping last two episodes of The Bridge - 2.9 and 2.10 - featuring the deaths and brushes with death of the following major characters -
  • Charlotte - dead - shot by Fausto's men in the house last week.  She was a strong character in the first season, but was a shadow of herself in season two.   Waste of a good actress, Annabeth Gish, who was standout in Brotherhood.
  • DEA agent McKenzie - shot by Fausto's men in the same house last week.  Not a particularly likable but a strong character.   And another waste of acting talent - Abraham Benrubi, memorable in ER.
  • Hank - close to death, but hanging on, after being shot in that same house last week.   Hank is arguably the third most important character on the show - after Marco and Sonya - or maybe tied for third with Fausto.   He now looks likely survive, in the hands of Sonya and Marco after a dramatic car interception, but you never know.   I'd hate to see him go, if the show's renewed.
  • Eleanor - shot, again, in the house - not that to close to death, but you have to admire her recovery after she lost a lot of blood from a wound.   The woman even manages to walk away after her car is rammed, and only collapses when Sonya tells her to get down on the ground. Her survival is testament to the sheer survival power of deep, inchoate evil.
Sonya was rescued last week from what could have been death, but, again, her death would leave a season three bereft of one of the central characters on the show, and a compelling one at that. Probably the nicest moment in the tonight's episode is when she thanks Marco for saving her.   Just two weeks ago, she was disgusted with both Hank and Marco.  Now she's drawing close again to both of them.  Credit regarding Hank goes to Fausto's bullets.

Missing in action - once again - are Eva and Linder.   But the reporters are playing a bigger role, which is good to see.   Just two more episodes left this season - I'd definitely be up for watching a third.

See also The Bridge 2.1: What Motivates Sonya? ... The Bridge 2.2: First-Class Serial Killer ... The Bridge 2.3: Marco's Dilemma ... The Bridge 2.4: Marco Redeemed and Mr. Writ Large ... The Bridge 2.5: The Soul of the Not-Killer ... The Bridge 2.7: Major Business ... The Bridge 2.8: Parallel Stories

And see also The Bridge Opens Brooding and Valent ... The Bridge 1.2: A Tale of Two Beds ... The Bridge 1.6: Revelations ... The Bridge 1.7: A Killer and a Reluctant Professor ... The Bridge 1.8: Some Dark Poetic Justice ... The Bridge 1.9: Trade-Off ... The Bridge 1.10: Charlotte's Evolution ... The Bridge 1.11: Put to the Test ... The Bridge Season 1 Finale: Marco Joins Mackey and Agnew

another kind of crime story


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