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Monday, December 7, 2015

The Affair 2.10: Meets In Treatment

Another fine episode of The Affair tonight - 2.10 - which ends in a cliffhanger, about the results of the paternity test for Joanie, even though it's got to be that the baby is Cole's.

Which leads again to the big question of who ran down Scotty?  Given the ambivalence that Noah has to being a father in a marriage with Alison - and being the "good" not the "great" guy as he put  it (for more of which, see below) - it occurred to me that he now has about the least motive for permanently shutting Scotty up.  If Scotty revealed that Cole not Noah was Joanie's father, that might well give Noah precisely the license to leave Alison that a part of him so much wants.

Alison and Cole still remain the main suspects with Noah out of the scenario.  But there also could be another:  Luisa now also a big motive.  She would be very threatened by the knowledge that Cole is Joanie's father, given that she can't have a baby, and she knows how much Cole wants one.   Would she kill Scotty to keep him quiet?   It's hard to say, because we don't yet know her well enough, but either she or someone else looking out for her interests can't be ruled out.

Noah's segment with Marilyn the shrink was excellent, a case of The Affair meeting In Treatment (which makes sense, since Sarah Treem and Hagai Levi are producers of both).  Noah's wanting to be a good family man, but not at the expense of being a great man - in his case, a great author - but which (on his analysis, at least) comes with the trimmings of "bending" an attractive graduate student over his desk - makes one of the best set-pieces of the series, as Noah comes to realize this and spell it out in Marilyn's office.   The twenty or so minutes provides about as good a probing as you'll get anywhere on television, or in the movies, about what it might personally take to make a big difference in the world. Significantly, Noah thinks it's either good or great, in contrast to Marilyn, who suggests that maybe you can have both, or maybe the two lifestyles have no intrinsic connection to greatness at all.

On thing is certain: Just two episodes left of this great season.

podcast review of every 2nd season episode

podcast review of every 1st season episode

the Sierra Waters time-travel trilogy

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