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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Timeless 1.15: Touched!

A wild shoot-em-up Timeless 1.15 last night, with lots of profundity between the bullets and tears in time.  As I keep saying, the show keeps getting better and better - and you listening, NBC?

In this next-to-last episode of the season (I hope - of the season, that is), we see both Eliot Ness and Al Capone (good to see Cameron Gharaee from the late, lamented Tyrant in that role) laid to waste well before their time.  God knows what this will do to future history, and that's likely why there was a scene with Flynn in a church at the beginning.

Significantly, Timeless has refrained from shakeups in history due to the doings and undoings back in time, focusing instead on changes in the personal lives of our main characters, and even that doesn't happen all too often.  That may be one of the problems with the series - maybe we should see more shocking changes in our history when major historical figures die before their time.

Still and all, last night's was a good episode in a good series, with lots of nice touches.  The idea of wiping out Flynn by killing his innocent mother is still not tabled by everyone, which only makes sense.  And Wyatt's first thought being to save Lucy's sister was satisfying, too, even though it didn't happen.

But in some ways the most interesting moment in the episode was near the end, when Mason describes a data-mining system which, if implemented, would add a Person of Interest element to Timeless.   That would be a strong addition to the show.

I'm not worried that Rufus will die, even though he was wounded badly, because he's too essential to the show.  On the other hand, if next week's episode is the end not just of the season but the series, then anything's possible, and--   Nah, I don't want to go down that road at all.

See you next week with Joe McCarthy and, who knows, maybe even Edward R. Murrow!

See also Timeless 1.1: Threading the Needle ... Timeless 1.2: Small Change, Big Payoffs ... Timeless 1.3: Judith Campbell ... Timeless 1.4: Skyfall and Weapon of Choice ... Timeless 1.5: and Quantum Leap ... Timeless 1.6: Watergate and Rittenhouse ... Timeless 1.7: Stranded! ... Timeless 1.8: Time and Space ... Timeless 1.9: The Kiss and The Key ... Timeless 1.10: The End in the Middle ... Timeless 1.11: Edison, Ford, Morgan, Houdini, and Holmes (No, Not Sherlock)! ... Timeless 1.12: Incandescent West ... Timeless 1.13: Meeting, Mating, and Predictability ... Timeless 1.14: Paris in the 20s

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