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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Twin Peaks: The Return Finale: The Beginning

Well, Twin Peaks: The Return went out the way it all came in: at the beginning.

As usual in The Return, that little man who told Cooper early on to "Wake up!" and last week, when Cooper got back his senses (to the extent that anyone has senses or sense in this multiple inside-out reality) after far too long, intoned "Finally!," tonight spoke truth when he asked of Cooper the question, "is it the future or the past?" in that slo-mo way that folks speak in the alter-dimension.

And the answer turned out to be the latter as Cooper drove with someone who seemed to be Laura Palmer 25 years later:  it was the past.   So maybe this whole Return was another prequel, which happened even earlier than the first prequel, which we saw a year after the original Twin Peaks series back when.

There were plenty of nice touches in this double-hour finale prelude, such as -
  • the man the Palmer house in the past being heard but not seen, which suggests he may be a character in the original Twin Peaks and perhaps The Return
  • the stuporous Cooper is back with his "family" - i.e., Dougie's family - just as the newly re-sentient Cooper promised them last week.  Except ... who is he?   Maybe bad Cooper, except now his mind is scrambled, taken over by good Cooper in a stupor?  I don't know ... maybe.
  • the Cooper in possession of his faculties sleeps with Diane - or, she sleeps with him - which was good at least insofar as the bad Diane who was killed last week doesn't get the last word
  • Gordon told his team the truth - well, ok, that wasn't all that nice a touch or important, but it gave Gordon a chance to get off a line about hard and soft, and Albert to make a crack about the Marx Bros, and you don't get that every day in a television series, so I wanted to give it a shout-out
Some excellent B-movie cheesy science fiction visuals in this finale/beginning, and I've got to say I enjoyed The Return, and would definitely watch more.

So I'll say ... see you last week.

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