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Thursday, June 21, 2018

States' Rights in the Trumpian Era

I've been thinking about states rights these days, as the Feds under Trump's command first separated refugee children from their parents, and, having ended that inhumane practice, are now dragging their heels in the all-important task of getting these families re-united, before even more lasting damage is done to those helpless children.

I say "helpless," because what kind of effective help is there for those people?  Citizens and enlightened groups like RAICES can help, American Airlines and other air carriers have refused to cooperate with the Fed dispersion of the captive kids across the nation, but how can they stand up to the might and force of the Federal government?   Who can insist that a Senator let alone a reporter can walk in and inspect these heartless jails?

I grew up in an era in which the Federal government was the good guy and the states were bad.  In the Civil Rights era, I applauded JFK and others sending in Federal marshals to make sure that states followed the Supreme Court ruling ending segregation in public schools.

But times have changed.   Senator Bill Nelson, turned away from a Federal detention camp in Florida, is the hero.  So is Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, who is suing the Federal government and its fascist practices.  So other other state governors, including Cuomo, who are refusing to allow their National Guard to be used to support these despicable practices of our Federal government.

I say we need more of that.  I'd like to see Senator Nelson show up next time with a force of Florida State troopers.  That's right.  The essence of our country, as the Founding Fathers saw and created, was a balance between Federal and state sovereignty.   States exercising all forms of their power to stand up to what Trump and his minions are doing has never been more appropriate and necessary.

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