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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Counterpart 2.3: Echo


Another sharp episode of Counterpart tonight - 2.3 - actually, they've all been sharp this season, more clear and precise than last season, which works for me.

Among the most instructive developments: our Howard is taken to the "Echo" facility on the other side.   First of all, Echo is a good name for this, and could've even been a name for the series, given that counterparts are in effect echoes of their originals.   And the facility is a logical place for the other side - a place where the memories of people are "mined" (Peter Prime's apt word), with a view to getting insights into the people on the other (our) side, so the "bad" side can more effectively undermine them, play them, whatever in the cold war they're waging on us.  In addition to it being good to meet Peter Prime, he's a well of important information for our Howard.

The other big deal in tonight's episode is our Emily telling Naya that the "Shadow" was not Aldrich (who Emily doesn't know is dead, since she had just emerged from her coma the night he was killed).  Emily thinks the "Shadow" is a woman - assuming she's right, could she be thinking of herself, and not realize it?  (I can't recall if we have any other reliable knowledge about the Shadow - if only Orson Welles were alive, he'd make a perfect person to play this character in Counterpart.)

Meanwhile, Peter on our side, no longer the dupe he was last year, continues to get tough with his wife Clare and everyone.  But he'll likely be no match for Howard Prime, who comes to pay them a visit at a propitious moment.

Last thought in this review:  when Emily Prime was talking about the fact that there is no evidence that our side was responsible for the flu that wiped out so much of the other side, I couldn't help thinking, so who is?  Maybe the other side?

Looking forward to more alternate realities.  In the meantime, there's Samantha ...

See alsoCounterpart 2.1: "Strange" and "Lucky" ... Counterpart 2.2: The Emilys

And see also  Counterpart 1.1: Fringe on Espionage ... Counterpart 1.2: Two Different Worlds ... Counterpart 1.3: Identification and Pandemic ... Counterpart 1.4: The Switch ... Counterpart 1.5: Ménage à Alternates ... Counterpart 1.6: Alternate Prince, Funeral, and Clear Clare ... Counterpart 1.7: Spying Across Dimensions ... Counterpart 1.8: Conversations ... Counterpart 2.9: The Spy Who Came Into the Fold ... Counterpart Season 1 Finale: Stuck in the Middle

alternate Orson Welles in here

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