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Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Man in the High Castle: podcast review of extraordinary final Season 4

Welcome to Light On Light Through, Episode 119, in which I review The Man in the High Castle - final Season 4. I thought it was the best season so far, which is high praise indeed, since I thought the first three seasons were outstanding.

You can find my written reviews of all four seasons here - The Man in the High Castle on Amazon (pilot)... The Man in the High Castle 1.2-1.10: Timely Alternate Reality Par Excellence ... The Man in the High Castle in Reality -- Well, on NYC Subway Cars ... The Man in the High Castle 2.1-2.3: My Heimisch Town ... The Man in the High Castle 2.4-2.6: Rails and Realities ... The Man in the High Castle 2.7-2.10: Alternate Reality to the Rescue, Literally... The Man in the High Castle 3.1: Real People in Alternate History ... The Man in the High Castle 3.2-3: Alternate Realities, Frederic Brown, and Rockwells ...  The Man in the High Castle 3.4-6: "Tis Death that's Dead" ... The Man in the High Castle 3.7-10: The Metaphysics of Alternate Realities ... The Man in the High Castle season 4: Alternate Realities and Alternate Fulfillment

My podcast review of Season 3 is here and Season 2 is here and the Season 1 pilot is here.
And here are my books and my videos.

Check out this episode!

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