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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Big Sky 1.4: Controls on Psychos

First of all, good for Big Sky for at least working into a newscast at the beginning of episode 1.4 that indigenous women and girls have been especially subject to the psycho kidnapping of three young women (not indigenous) which is the centerpiece of this narrative.

As to psychos, that's pretty much just what Ronald is.  His mother realizes it.   My wife thinks Ronald will kill her before too long.  She doesn't seem particularly afraid of Ronald, though.  Does she have a way of controlling Ronald?  Tough to say.  But at present, she's the best chance of somehow getting Ronald to do the right thing.

Interestingly, maybe significantly, that's close to the role Rick's wife seems to be playing.  Like Ronald's mother, Merilee either realizes or senses that Rick is not the stand-up trooper he presents to most of the world.  Knowing what we know about Rick, it seems that Merilee knows that, as well.

By the way, here's one thing I don't get about Rick.  He had no problem blowing Cody away at the end of the first episode.  Why doesn't he do the same for the three women captives?  Wouldn't killing them and disposing of the bodies be less work and less dangerous than seeking to get some guys in Canada to take them off of his hands, and not even pay him for all of his trouble?

I can only hope that the reason is not just to keep the Big Sky narrative going.   Not that I'd to see the three women killed -- quite the opposite.  I'd like to see them escape and triumph.  But we do need a better motivation for Big Rick, other than that he's a psycho, and therefore unpredictable about he'll do in life-and-death situations.


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