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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Big Sky 1.5: Winter Finale Indeed!

Well ... [spoilers follow]

Tonight's episode 1.5 of Big Sky provided a winter finale indeed.  A kind of rhyme with the end of the first episode, in which Cody was shockingly killed -- as in, out of the clear big blue sky.  And at the end of tonight's episode, Big Rick is killed, with a bullet to the head, by Cassie.

Ok, it was completely of out of the clear blue as Cody's demise.  Everything had been building up to this, including, especially, Cassie's suspicion and loathing of Rick, and her cool steel nerves.  And there was no way she was going to let Rick gun her down.  But it was still a big surprise, to see a major evil character, in fact, THE villain, shot down dead like that in the middle of a season.

Of course, the three kidnap victims, not to mention Cassie, are by no means out of the woods yet.  The helpful human flesh-dealers from up north are just a few minutes away from the kidnap victims, Cassie, and Rick's body.  And Cassie doesn't know they're close by.  The victims know, but will they have time to alert Cassie?

Barely.  And though Cassie is armed, she'll no doubt be outgunned by the human-traffickers.  There's definitely more than one of them.  So, we should be in for an exciting resumption of action in January.

Ronald will of course play a bigger role.  Has he managed to get his impulses, as his mother calls them, under control?  Will he show up at the scene before the Canadians arrive?  No, not likely.  Before they leave?  Possibly.  And if he doesn't, what will he do when he finds Rick dead and everyone missing?  Will he think the Canadians killed Rick?

Lots of questions which can only be answered by watching the second part of the season, which I'll definitely be doing, and talking about it right here.

 See also Big Sky 1.1: A Pretty Big Deal ... Big Sky 1.2: The "Goods" and the Ruined Plan ... Big Sky 1.3: "You Kidnapped the Wrong Girl" ... Big Sky 1.4: Controls on Psychos


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