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Sunday, November 28, 2021

"The Soft of Your Eyes" on new Folk/Psychedelic Rock NTS Radio Playlist


Paul Levinson
Hey, it's been a while since I wrote to you about a song from Twice Upon A Rhyme, my 1972 album reissued on remastered vinyl by Whiplash/Sound of Salvation Records about a decade ago.   But I just found out that "The Soft of Your Eyes," the song I wrote for Tina back in the late 1960s, was added to Jocelyn Romo's folk/psychedelic rock Heaven and Earth playlist on NTS Radio where it's been getting tons of play, alongside songs by Gerry Rafferty and Don Everly. 

Meanwhile ... Peter Jackson's documentary The Beatles: Get Back is amazing and life-changing and I highly recommend it!  I review all three parts here (written reviews) and here (audio podcast reviews).

Songs from Welcome Up: Songs of Space and Time played this and last year on
  • Plastic Tales from the Marshmallow Dimention, WNYU-FM Radio
  • Dig Vinyl's Melodic Distraction playlist, American Dream with Yvonne
  • Howard Margolin's Destinies, 24 & 31 July, 7 Aug 2020, WUSB-FM Radio
  • Howard Margolin's 37th Anniversary Destinies, and 38th Anniversary Destinies, WUSB-FM Radio
  • Carl Thien's WZBC show (8 Dec 2020, and earlier this year)
  • Patrick Rands' Abstract Terrain show on WZBC-FM Radio in Boston
  • Kevin Anthony's Psychedelic Jukebox
  • Captain Phil's WUSB-FM show. 
  • Plus the following stations: Bellarmine Radio, Louisville, KY; KDWG Radio, Dillon, Montana; The End, Cleveland, OH; SYN Radio, Melbourne, Australia

You can get all the Welcome Up music, any time, here:
And here's Twice Upon a Rhyme:
Here's a one-hour virtual concert I did in April 2020 with songs from both albums at HELIOsphere: Beyond the Corona.   Here's a video of me singing "Alpha Centauri" at my virtual concert at Amazingcon in June 2020.  More video clips from Welcome Up here and here.

Welcome Up Reviews and Interviews:
  • Jon Pruett says in Ugly Things Magazine that Welcome Up is "eight slices of interstellar delight".
  • Joseph Neff says in The Vinyl District that Welcome Up "hits the ear as the best kind of long-delayed follow-up to a phenomenon of cultish proportions ... sounding like nothing else on the current scene."
  • Taro Miyasugi says Welcome Up is "a stunning folk pop album with gorgeous late 60s elements like vintage velveteen cloth..." 
  • Evan LeVine observes about Welcome Up that "any fan of Twice Upon A Rhyme will be overjoyed by it... As otherworldly, mystical and far-out as the subject matter may be, the songs burst with love and warmth and humanity." 
  • in-depth interview about Welcome Up in Klemen Breznikar's Psychedelic Baby Magazine 
  • audio Bear Tones podcast in which I talk about Welcome Up and Twice Upon A Rhyme.
  • I talk with John Anealio -- with whom I wrote "If I Traveled to the Past" and "Tau Ceti" -- about those songs on The Functional Nerds podcast.

Looking a bit into the future ... I may be doing another new album in 2022 ... stay tuned!

Play SongSamantha (from Welcome Up)
Play SongIf I Traveled To The Past (from Welcome Up)

"Welcome Up is ... eight slices of interstellar delight."— Jon Pruett, Ugly Things Magazine, Aug 15, 2020


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