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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Time Traveler's Wife 1.6: Brutal Truths and a Ray of Hope

Well, I thought The Time Traveler's Wife finale on HBO Max was superb, even though ...

[Big spoilers ahead ... ]

It was the ugliest episode of the series.  Palpably brutal, with Henry's naked time traveling body hitting the floor so many times it was making my eyes sore, not to mention my soul.  And that was the least of it.  Far worse was:

1. Henry discovering that he's aging more quickly than normal, non-traveling people, and he'll be dying, what, when he's in his early 50s?  

2. He can't give Clare what she most wants, given his frequent absence even when he's alive: a child.  It seems every time he gets her pregnant, the embryo or fetus time travels and of course can't survive.

As a result, Henry has a vasectomy, because he can't bear to keep doing that her.  But in a happy ending -- at least a hopeful ending -- Clare encourages younger, "asshole" Henry to keep seeing her.  He has not yet had a vasectomy.

And there this wondrous, wild story ends?  As I've been saying, I hope not.  There are possibilities to explore.    Maybe Henry can figure out a way to extend his life.  Maybe he can connect with some genius gynecologist who can bring his and Clare's baby to term.

I don't know, I'm not a medical expert.  But I do know I much enjoyed the six episodes of this story, even though they had their flaws, and I'd be up any time for seeing more.

Great acting by Theo James and Rose Leslie in the title roles, and I thought Josh Stamberg was impressive in this episode as Henry's father.   Kudos to everyone who made this short season, and I look forward to seeing its continuation someday somewhere.

See also The Time Traveler's Wife 1.1: Off to a Fine, Funny, Complex Start ... 1.2: Fate ... 1.3: Lies and Love ... 1.4: Mercurial Stock ... 1.5 Hair

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