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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Are Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo Cylons?

Well, my Mitt Romney Cylon posts seems to have gotten some good reception, so I'm encouraged to continue this line of important analysis...

Let's look, in this post, at Senator Brownback, Governor Huckabee, and Representative Tancredo - all three are running for the Republican Presidential nomination.

Why would think these three might be Cylons?

All three raised their hand in the First Republican Debate, on MSNBC last month, to signify they did not believe in evolution...

Uh oh...

1. Cylons of course were created - they did not evolve - so, of course, a Cylon would not believe in evolution.

2. Cylons have a fanatical, messianic belief in a monotheistic deity.

3. A typical Cylon ploy is to try to become President of a human society (again, consider Baltar - though he may not really be Cylon).

Huckabee tried to explain, in the third debate, why he raised his hand in the first. He said the question was really about belief in God. He said he would be tolerant of people who believed that "primates" were our ancestors. But this misses the point: one can believe in a monotheistic, omniscient, omnipresent Deity, and still accept the science of evolution. All one needs to do is believe the Deity created the world or universe to evolve along Darwinian lines ... no contradiction, no need to say you don't believe in evolution...

But Cylons tend to think in either/or categories...

I'll keep you posted on other Cylonic insights I might have, relevant to our Presidential election...

Further reading...

Three Republican Presidential Candidates Who Deny Evolution

Is Mitt Romney A Cylon?


  1. I believe that our president should be open-minded such that when the facts change, his mind changes. We are a secular society supposedly based on Socratic debate and facts.

    The world is not flat nor the center of the universe -- despite long held beliefs to the contrary.

    Evolution is a fact, as is the conclusion that homosexuality is a state of being and NOT a moral choice. The best science and medicine supports this and also supports that global warming exists and that human activity contributes to it.

    Public officials who would trump facts with their particular religious beliefs are not acting in the best public good.

  2. Having met Huckabee more than a few times, I can believe he is a Cylon.

    He is a Baptist preacher and definitely seeped in the monotheist way of thinking, although the God he likes to turn to is not so big on the "God is Love" portion of the belief system.

    He is also obsessed with children, specifically making sure children are thin, and we all know Cylons are obsessed with offspring!

    Finally, he is capable of great deception, convincing even Jon Stewart that he was a moderate when he appeared on the Daily Show. Quite a trick when you consider some of the positions he took as Governor.

    The man could definitely be a Cylon! Voters beware!
