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Monday, July 9, 2007

John from Cincinnati: Episode Five: Not the Night

Well, tonight's John from Cincinnati - Episode Five, Day Four of John's visit - did have a scene in the diner with Butchie and Tina (mother of Shaun). But the Shirelles' "Tonight's the Night" was playing, nothing by Journey, and I didn't see any guy in a Members Only jacket....

Shirelles - 25 All-Time HitsNow I like the Shirelles and "Tonight's the Night" well enough... in fact, it's one of my favorite girl doo-wap songs.

But Rebecca De Mornay's one-note shrill performance as Grandma Cissy is beginning to grate on me, there hasn't been any surfing in the show in I forget how many episodes, and there are far too many conversations to follow.

I thought I saw some prelude to maybe something who knows between John and Cass tonight, and that was nice, but, all in all, tonight was not the night.

Which is too bad, because the last two episodes had begun to show some real power.

I can't even think of a word like "dumping" or "boning" which caught my attention, or anything I learned about the characters and the overall story that I didn't know before.

Well, there's always next week...

See also reviews of other episodes ... Episode One ... Episode Two ... Episode Three ... Episode Four ... Episode 6 ... Episode 7 ... Episode 8 ... Episode 9 ... Episode 10

See also John from Cincinnati: The Meaning in a Sentence or Two


  1. you're right about Cissy. She's carrying around a boat-load of anger - much of it aimed at Mitch.

    At least he's capable of smiling - yet he's a bit annoying in his selfish-ness.

    I can't get the phrase, "Idon'tknowButchieinstead" out of my head. It's grown on me.
    : )

  2. :) Yeah, that show does have phrases ... but, so far, boning is still in first place...

  3. heres my take on the character representations,, after seeing all five eps and changing my mind several times, that havent been mentioned. In my opinion the show is a play on a miriad of "biblical" stories..or something to that effect. Im still a little confused at times, but love the show, and cant wait till next week!

    Freddie reps the man crucified next to jesus that asks for forgiveness (the good, lovable drug dealer, if you will). Palaka the other bad guy crucifed next to jesus, that doesnt believe (ALLEGEDLY)

    Linc reps the devil
    The bird is a representation of Shaun, who is, like John, the (a) Holy Spirit.

    The Yost men rep the holy triad: Father, Son, Holy Spirit

    Bill reps Peter the apostle, he want to leave the yosts alone (as peter denying christ) but cannot.

  4. Wow, I'm really not on board with the likening this to the New Testament, but hey I guess if that's what you are 'fixated' on in real life, that you're going to 'force' a comparision like this on a TV show.

    Unlike Paul (and a LOT of the early reviewers) I've REALLy enjoyed this show from DAY 1! It's 'quirkyness' IS it's appeal.

    I'm really getting into the entire side story about the Hotel, and Barry, Ramon, and Meyer.

    I too would like to see a return to more surfing specific story line, since what has been presented so far has been really enjoyable.

    I'm also very intrigued about the 'concerned attention' John keeps showing towards the facility surrounded by the high fence out on the strand that leads to Coronado. In real life, there's not a lot whole lot known about it, except that it's a Navy installation, so I'm not sure if they are implying that John is somehow involved with this facility or soon will be.

    However, just a comment on some early 'conclusions' I've seen people draw here. I have no idea what the significance of Mitch's brief levitations would be. They do not seem to preceed or result from any specific interaction or even.

    Also I don't see that John has 'cured' Butchie of his drug problem. Butchie has gone out of his way to say he hasn't felt 'dope sick', but then just as quickly in a conversation with his dad, he blames being 'dope sick' with the reason he was so quick to challenge his dad to a fight. And even into day 2, 2.5, and 3 we see Butchie using. That's actually what Butchie is busy doing when John tell's Kai to see god.

    I'm not sure how John is involved with the birds 'resurrection', or that he had ANYTHING to do with it other then he had just 'appeared' in Imperial Beach. The bird's resurrection appeared to be all Shawn. John hadn't even been 'indirectly' involved with Shawn at that point had he? And in the hospital John had been out in the hallway for 'hours?' and nothing happened to Shawn until the Bird touched him. Obviously John's appearance in Imperial Beach preceeded these 'resurrections', but I'm not sure that he either 'consciously' or 'directly' made these two events take place.

    It's interesting to see that Linc's prostitute turns out to be Shawn's long lost mom. Linc claims to have not known it at first, and my first interpretation is to believe him on this point. Now that he has lost Cas, it will be intersting to see how he tries to use her in his efforts to divide Mitch from Cissy in his attempt to get control over Shawn's career.

    My friend got back from a vacation I.B.early to mid June, and she saw the crew filming at the local VFW Bar. And we finally get to see the scene in the VFW bar when Vietnam Joe confronts the bar tender, so that was fun on a personal level.

    I guess to illustrate my own personal 'quirkyness' right now my 3 favorite shows are all on HBO. #1 Flight of the Conchords. #2 Entourage. And #3 John from Cincinnati. (Entourage might not qualify as 'quirky', but there would be NO other word to describe Conchords!).

    Funny that I see Battlestar Galactica on your Blog list. I love that show but I'm TOTALLY PISSED that they would go on a SEASON long hiatus in Febuary????? Holy cow I was mad!

  5. the show, like the new testatment, is fiction.

    enjoy the pretty pictures

  6. Rebecca De Mornay has had a decent career in the movies. As the headliner in J from C, they seem to be letting her run wild and allowing her to eat as much of the scenery as she wants. None of the directors seem to be capable of reining her in and she is actually beginning to ruin my enjoyment of this quirky series. Does she have to be the angriest person on television?

  7. Hmmm....Christ, the 12 apostles, and Mary Magdalene. Link=Judas, perhaps? Might be too obvious.

    Look up Cincinnatus in Wikipedia.

    If you really study the show, there are clues all over the place.

    This show is brilliant.

  8. I've been seeing John as John the Baptist to Shawn's Jesus.

    Not a Christian but I love the story--New testament that is.

    Also getting into J From C because everyone is just so Strange (when you're stranger)

  9. Glad to hear people are loving this weird acid trip series.
    I think its okay for Rebecca de Mornay to be angry face it, most people are. SEE GOD, whenever you can. CANT WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUNDAY

  10. This show sucks. I've completely lost interest. I can't imagine how this could last over one season. The only reason I've watched this long is because I wanted some answers. Who is John? What is his connection to the family? Why does the father keep floating in the air? But I've figured it out, they can't answer those questions because that is the only reason most people are watching. So they plan on stringing us along introducing character after character, miracle after miracle, without any answers. They know the second they start explaining anything their viewership will go down by a huge percent. I refuse to spend another minute waiting for this show to pick up. I'd rather watch Sopranos reruns on A&E

  11. So WOW again anonymous! Maybe a little TOO obvious?? You're kidding right? You're maybe a little TOO fixated perhaps?

    Look up Apophenia in Wikipedia.

    I await viewing tonights episode via my TIVO when I get home!

  12. Regarding Cissy's anger issues in this one...I've got a different idea on why her seemingly (and annoying these days) whining and pissed-offness. The fact that the storyline is taking place over 3 or 4 days right now you could conceivably see her character having somewhat of a breakdown over a period of 3 or 4 days or even a week. I'm in the mode where I'm giving her character a chance these next few weeks to break out of the constant yelling and anger awith hopes that I'll see a slightly more relaxed, more relatable character in Sissy. Although I do have to admit I was half-hoping she offed herself during last night's episode.

  13. This show is far too slow in its story line development and its religious allegories are muddled. After five episodes I think that the average viewer has already bailed. This show is not going to see a second season.

  14. I am the only person who thinks the acting in this series is awful? The surfer kid has got to be the worst child actor ever. He is awful. DeMorney is awful. The show sucks. I feel as if I have wasted five hours on this large glob of confusion and cheesy one liners. What do you guys think?


  15. I have an idea to get rid of the obnoxious De Mornay/Cissy character. Fire the Greenewood guy who plays Mitch Yost (he's kinda lame anyway) and replace him with Leonard Cohen. De Mornay will bolt immediately.

    Leonard doesn't surf or act, but neither is anyone else in the cast doing likewise. And his music might inspire a writing team whose talent falls way short of their chosen subject matter. The present ensemble are dealing with the infinite like teenyboppers doing a youtube spoof.

    Cohen could show them a thing or two about Christ imagery and the human condition.

    Maybe Rebecca still has a couple of CDs in her glove compartment she could lend to Milch.
