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Friday, July 27, 2007

Republicans Now Thumb Noses at YouTube as Well as Evolution

What do you expect? Remember that three of the Republican Presidential candidates - Brownback, Huckabee, and Tancredo - don't even believe in evolution. You expect them to understand the advantages of YouTube?

The Washington Post reported yesterday that only John McCain and Ron Paul have committed to the September YouTube/CNN debates. Ron Paul makes sense. As I've said many times, he is far and away the best of the Republican candidates. He is a rarity in both parties, because of his devotion to the U.S. Constitution. This makes him unaccepting of the FCC and Congress's attempts to trample the First Amendment, and to going to war without the required declaration.

Ron Paul's supporters have also shown considerable Internet savvy - and I expect we'll be seeing even more in the months ahead.

I'm glad John McCain sees the value of the YouTube debates. It's easy to be cynical, and say McCain is so desperate that he'll try anything, but he still deserves credit for recognizing this step forward in democracy.

As for the rest, and in particular the other front runners, Giuliani and Romney? Giuliani is said to be leaning against participating, and Romney (who is acting more than ever like a Cylon) offered this gem of wit, according to the Washington Post: "I think the presidency ought to be held at a higher level than having to answer questions from a snowman." (This presumably was a reference to the global warming question asked in the Democratic YouTube/CNN debate).

If these Republicans fail to come around to the YouTube debate, if they thumb their noses at all the questions YouTube will no doubt get for them, they will only be greasing their downhill skids.

I predict that most if not all of the recalcitrants will come around on this. Democracy is moving forward this summer. It will be a very interesting August for the Republicans.

See also - July 26, 2007 article in the Houston Chronicle - "Debate Praised as Fresh and Original", in which I and other media commentators rave about the success of this first YouTube debate...

First YouTube/CNN Presidential Debate

Is Mitt Romney A Cylon?

Three Republican Candidates Deny Evolution

How About We Look for the Best Candidates in Both Parties? (discovering Ron Paul) ...


  1. Ron Paul would crush Giuliani and Romney in YouTube debate so they choose to hide and cower. Glad to see McCain has some courage.

    Ron Paul is 1st in YouTube, Meetup, MySpace, Technorati, Alexa, Google, etc. The old media is just too slow to realize what is happening.

    Ron Paul places 1st or 2nd in every straw poll, debate, and active participation survey.

    Dr. Ron Paul has the most contributions from U.S. military personnel & veterans above all other candidates. So support the troops and vote Ron Paul!

    Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were doing about the same in the 'Scientific Polls' at this stage in their elections. ‘Scientific Polls’ at this stage only measure name recognition. Over the next six months Ron Paul will gain name recognition. Most people who learn about Ron Paul become major supporters.

    70% of Americans want us out of Iraq and want change.

    Ron Paul is only republican candidate against the war.

    Ron Paul only needs about 30% vote from republicans sick of the war and abuse of powers to win in republican primaries.

    Dr. Ron Paul is the man of integrity and courage that America needs at this time.

    “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” John Quincy Adams

    We are making history – Vote Ron Paul!

    Visit YouTube and search Ron Paul to learn more…

  2. Thanks for the post - your name has a lot to commend it ...
