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Saturday, August 18, 2007

ABC Mark Levin's Campaign of Disinformation Against Ron Paul

The latest in the mainstream media's bizarre and destructive campaign against Ron Paul and his supporters - actually, more ABC's than any other medium - comes from the WABC New York and nationally syndicated ABC radio talk host, Mark Levin.

As you can see on his web page, he's urging his listeners and web-page readers to "Call Ron Paul's office and tell him he can't win."

What kind of ham-handed campaign of disinformation is that?

Levin describes himself as "one of America's preeminent conservative commentators and constitutional lawyers."

I would describe Levin as a Nixonian dirty trickster, in the Donald Segretti and Watergate scandal tradition.

Ron Paul and his supporters should actually wear Levin's sleazy tactics as a badge of honor. They should be proud that someone who lists Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity among his favorite links, and who supports the Bush administration as if it were Abraham Lincoln's, has seen fit to try to undermine Ron Paul's campaign in this underhanded way. It means that Hannity and his ilk see Ron Paul as a threat, which indeed they should.

Ron Paul deeply believes in the First Amendment and freedom of speech, as do I, and therefore I would never call for Levin and his mouth to be taken off the air. Levin is entitled to urge all the despicable things in politics his mind can conjure.

But he can count on me to keep calling him out for what he is - a person, like Nixon's henchmen, with no respect for the democratic process. His continued presence on ABC's airwaves is yet another black mark against that benighted network, and another case study that I and no doubt other professors will be teaching their students about for many years to come.

See also - ABC's Abuse of American Electorate to Be Included in my Curriculum This Fall

and More ABC News Distortion to be Included in My Curriculum

and The Media Disenfranchising of Ron Paul

and Newspaper Coverage of Ron Paul in Iowa: B+


  1. As far as I am concerned the biggest loser this election will be the media!!!!!. It has already proven that it's an untrustworthy entity. Blackouts of information that the American people should be aware of is blantant. The attacks on Ron Paul should make everyone sit and evaluate what role the media plays in our elections and why they are determined to only promote certain people while ignoring others.

  2. That's pretty interesting -- your name is Paul Levinson and you wrote a blog post about two people named Paul and Levin.

    May all our opponents be as useful as Mark Levin!

  3. Found this statement I thought was so appropriate.

    “First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they oppose you. Then you win.”
    -Mahatma Gandhi

    Ron Paul just scares them because he's right and the message is getting out despite the opposition to it by those that are supported by Big Government. They have to oppose the message because they might be losing their big paychecks.

    Today RP won by a landslide in NH and AL straw polls. Its a start.

  4. On my website,, I wrote a piece about the Iowa Straw Polls where I single out Ron Paul's 5th place finish as evidence that the Iowa Straw Poll shouldn't be taken seriously. That one paragraph has already elicited responses from the Ron Paul Fanclub, including condescending posts about how I'm "a stooge" or "ignorant" and that I need to "wake up." Usually, I get those kinds of comments from faux liberals or egotistical faux conservatives who think they know more than they actually do, so I'm used to comments like that.

    What I wasn't prepared for was a flashback to 2003-2004. I seem to remember another politician who had a lot of early support, was deemed to be the savior of his party, and was thought of as the real deal. That was before a fateful January when the candidate dropped to third at the Iowa Caucuses due in part to his snapping at an elderly gentleman and political machinations behind the scenes. Then, there was "the scream."

    Yep, I'm talking about Howard Dean.

    Judging from how defensive Ron Paul's supporters are about their candidate, I am reminded of how Dean's supporters were whenever anyone would question him. And after his comments at one of the Republican debates where he still unsure of what happened on 9/11, I think we've found a good reason to question him. His approach to the war on terrorism leaves a LOT to be desired because I don't think he gets it. He may be okay on other issues, but when you consider we're hip deep in an international war against people who want us dead for being us, you kinda need to have a handle on that, and I'm not confident Paul has that.

    I have a hypothesis about Paul's support base, and it's only a hypothesis. Given how loose the Iowa Straw Poll and the Iowa Caucuses to a lesser degree are, it's entirely possible that Democrats are registering as Republicans so they can try to weaken top-tier candidates and knock them out, thus giving Hillary Clinton a much easier road to the White House. Then, surprise surprise, they "come to their senses" and reregister as Democrats. And all they have to do is talk up Ron Paul enough that people think he's viable.

    But as we saw with Dean, being popular in the early going means nothing if you can't pick up the votes when it counts.

  5. thomaslindaman,

    That is a real wackjob theory you got there. You may have a real future in the MSM.

  6. anon1: Yeah, the media are indeed big losers ... but the American people will lose even more if the media continue with this disinformation ... that's why it's important to call them on it...

    anon 2: yeah :) ... Mark Levin is a disgrave to the first part of my last name...

    for Ron Paul - good quote

    thomas - if ron paul's supporters are "defensive," as you claim, it's because the media have them good reason to be ... but, actually, from what I've seen, Ron Paul's supporters are visionary and clear thinking

    michael - ha - yep

  7. Thomas Lindaman (above) writes:

    "...but when you consider we're hip deep in an international war against people who want us dead for being us..."

    That is the absurd premise at the root of Paul's opposition by the Republican war machine. These people need to do a little homework. Dropping such an absurd premise into the middle of a sentence as if it was a foregone conclusion, not to be questioned, especially when Ron Paul has answered it in detail and offered multiple references, including the 911 Commission Report and CIA testimony - strikes me as intellectually very dishonest.

    No one hates us for being us or for being free or for treating women as equals. They hate the American war machine and what it has been doing for decades in the middle east.

    Dropping bombs on people, occcupying their lands, stationing your military on their holy lands, and then claiming they hate you because you are free, is childishly sily.

  8. Well, Ron Paul just won a presidential preference straw poll at the West Alabama Republican Assembly...

    Ok, won isn't the word for it... there were 266 votes cast, and he picked up 216 of them... which is a stunning victory really.

    There is video of the announcement online as well.

  9. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Mark Levin is afraid of Ron Paul!!!! When you click on the link, they do not even give you reasons why "he won't win", they just give you Ron Paul's office phone number!

    Come on there, loudmouth, say something. Try to debunk Ron Paul's landslide victories in Alabama and New Hampshire, internet poll after internet poll of success, and complete anti-corruption beliefs. You can not trick your way past that in your schemes and I know you are friends with Sean Hannity think Sean will tell you to stop. You are old fish, Levin.

  10. Matt: absolutely!

    fairness - yes, indeed!

  11. Now in August 2007, the world financial systems and investment markets, real estate and the availability of credit are all under direct assault due to past actions of the Federal Reserve in the United States.

    Read and sign the Ron Paul Is Right – Abolish the Federal Reserve Petition at

    Please link to the petition and forward this message to your friends and help the general public wake up during the current financial panic conditions to the problems we face from the Federal Reserve and Ron Paul’s solution.

    Also read comments from hundreds of signers who aren't shy in saying what they think of the FED.
