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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Talking about Ron Paul - podcast and radio

Just a quick note about me talking about the media disenfranchising of Ron Paul:

1. The podcast has been up for almost a week - you can look at the page here (and then play the podcast), or just play the direct MP3 here ... about 15 minutes...

2. And I'll be interviewed on the Sloan Ranger Show by Lloyd Sloan, this Tuesday (Aug 21), 5:35PM - 5:55PM Central time (that's 6:35PM - 6:55PM Eastern time, 3:35PM - 3:55PM Pacific time - and you do the math for the other time zones...) ... You can hear this live on WGNU AM 920 RADIO in St. Louis, or click on the Sloan Ranger Show and get it live streaming anywhere and everywhere... Hi ho Silver!!


  1. While I am pretty sure you saw it, the way that Dennis Kucinich's wife was shown both times he spoke was pretty demeaning. I am personally a Ron Paul supporter, but I thought the "funny looking guy with the hot wife" angle grew old pretty quickly in what is ostensibly serious coverage. I suppose it falls more on the manipulation as opposed to, essentially, fabrication side, but it remains a fine example of how the media are able to frame things to distort.

  2. That's an excellent point. The truth is that the mainstream media are equal opportunity abuses to all candidates that the MSM perceive as "fringe". In effect, the mainstream media point their cameras favorably only at the reflections of their own preconceptions.
